Page 24 of Savage

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“Yeah, Jett swears no more babies, and then bam, Sin’s knocked up. These constant pregnancies are playing havoc with her. Hi, I’m Aurora Victoria. I’m Klutz’s old lady,” a beautiful lady said, reaching out to shake hands with me from the hot tub.

“Hello,” I replied lamely.

“Jett, you better run, you pussy assed wimp!” Sin screeched, and the women laughed as I craned my neck.

The man I recognised as Jett was running through the gates like the hounds of hell were after him. Standing close by were several brothers I’d not met. Sin whipped around and glared at them, and they all blanched.

“I’m relaxing tonight. If that pussy assed bastard doesn’t come back, you are all in charge of my kids. And you better look after them,” Sin gritted out through ground teeth.

The men nodded vigorously as Sin made her way towards him.

“I’m going to chopp his fuckin’ dick off,” she complained as she sat down.

Silvie popped up from the hot tub and asked, “What did I miss?”

“I hate you, bitch. I bet that water is too hot for me to float in. You didn’t hear? It’s twins,” Sin whined.

“Oh shit,” everyone whispered.

“Jett got you pregnant when on the pill and hit you with twins?” Silvie asked, her eyes wide.

“And we used condoms! Fuckin’ twins! Can you believe it? Jett either gets the thing snipped professionally, or I’m gonna tie string around his balls and slam a door,” Sin threatened.

Looking at the annoyed woman, I felt rather sorry for Jett. Then again, he got her pregnant with a condom and while she was on the pill? Damn.

“Baby girl, I didn’t need to hear that,” a guy said, dropping next to Sin and shifting his chair behind her.

“Manny!” Sin wailed and slouched back. Manny began massaging Sin’s shoulders as he winked at another woman. She leaned over as she noted my puzzlement.

“Hey, I’m Andi, and Manny is my husband and old man. But he’s Sin’s alternative, and when she needs comfort, Manny provides it because he loves fuckin’ with Jett. Manny and Sin are good friends, nothing else,” Andi explained.

“Alternative?” I asked, wondering if this was a wife-swapping situation.

The old ladies all jumped in to explain what an alternative was and who had which brother. It was confusing, but Manny appeared to have the magic words and touch to calm Sin down even while she plotted Jett’s death in painful ways. To my amusement, Manny helped her plot away with Andi and the other women throwing in suggestions. I caught sight of a guy recording everything, and he sent me a wink.

“This’ll do the rounds, and Jett will grovel for the remainder of Sin’s pregnancy. He’s so pussy whipped, he’s unbelievable,” the man said with humour.

“And you’re not, Calamity?” an older woman asked as she sat down carefully.

“Of course I am. I married a goddess,” Calamity replied.

“You remember that, pencil dick,” a hulking guy added, slapping Calamity around the head.

“Sure thing, Pops,” Calamity snapped, leapt to his feet, and limped quickly away.

“Calamity is married to Texas’s daughter, Rosie. That’s Texas,” Phoe explained as the huge guy chased after Calamity. But I noted how Texas slowed his pace to give Calamity a chance to escape, and then a brother blocked Texas and began talking to him. In the meantime, Calamity disappeared into the crowd.

“Hey, I’m Penny, Texas’s old lady. I love how they still do that,” Penny said, nodding towards Calamity.


“They pretend to chase Calamity but hold back to give him pride and let him think he outrun them,” Penny whispered.

“Oh, I see,” I replied, and I kind of did. It was a level of compassion I hadn’t expected from the MC.

Chatter rose around me, and I listened and learned. When the guys manning the grills yelled food was ready, I was shocked that no adult moved until the children had a plate and were sat in a huge group. Considering how many kids there were, I was surprised when Phoe announced that each kid was settled and the adults could eat.

Then, the brothers descended like locusts.

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