Page 23 of Rage's Redemption

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I peeked around Dylan and noticed his dinner date glowering at us.

“Er, Dylan, she really looks mad,” I murmured.

Dylan looked at her, then at us. “Don’t care. In fact, why don’t you join us?” he asked.

Ezra broke into laughter. “Dude, go back to your date, and we will continue with ours. We’ll speak tomorrow.”

Dylan looked angry now. “Oh, we will talk, Ezra.” His calm veneer slipped, and his fury could be seen. “Dana, see you in the office Monday, sweetheart,” Dylan said, his voice changing halfway through the sentence. His tone softened when he addressed me.

Dylan offered one final warning glare at Ezra and marched away.

“Guess I’ve got a date tomorrow.” Ezra chuckled.

“I’m so sorry; Dylan’s so protective, and after what happened with the chase, he’s got even more so,” I replied.

Ezra’s face turned blank. “What damn chase?” he demanded.

Oh shit, this night kept getting worse!

“The Venomous Fangs chased me a few weeks ago. They tried to force me off the road, but I called London, and the boys came to get me,” I explained, fiddling with my napkin.

“Fangs tried to grab you?” Ezra asked, and I felt the anger coming off him in waves.

“Yes, but the men came for me. As you can see, I’m safe.” I attempted to soothe Ezra.

“Tell me everything,” Ezra snapped.

I glanced at him. I could see how upset he was, and I quickly explained everything. Including the fact Dylan had ensured I could shoot, and I did carry concealed. By the time I finished, I wasn’t sure if Ezra was mollified or angry, but Bernard interrupted us with starters, and I was forever grateful to the guy.

Chapter Five.


Ezra was outside Hawthorne’s house the next day. It was early for a Sunday, but Hawthorne would be awake. Whether he was alone was a different story. Ezra parked behind Hawthorne’s SUV and didn’t bother questioning why the guy needed two cars.

As he walked to the door, it opened, and Hawthorne met him wearing sweatpants and his body glistening with sweat. Ezra had obviously disturbed his workout.

“Get your ass in here,” Hawthorne growled out.

“What, so your neighbours can’t call the cops?” Ezra sneered.

“Exactly. When I beat the shit out of you, there’ll be no witnesses.”

Ezra laughed, but it held no mirth.

“Same goes here,” Ezra said and stepped into Hawthorne’s home, brushing past him.

Ezra didn’t bother checking his surroundings as he waited for Hawthorne to lead the way. Hawthorne glowered at his audacity but jerked his head for Ezra to follow him. From what Ezra saw of the house, it was classy and clean. Hawthorne stalked down the hallway and opened a door, and Ezra followed him into the basement.

Glancing around, Ezra let out a low whistle. Hawthorne had a first-class gym installed. Any equipment you could dream of was right before his eyes, including a boxing ring.

“Nice,” Ezra announced in approval.

“Glad you approve,” Hawthorne replied dryly as he picked up a bottle of water. “Want to hold the punching bag?”

“What, so you can miss and hit me? Think I want my face to remain unchanged. Plus, Dana likes it.”

That did it. A black scowl crossed Hawthorne’s expression. Ezra waited patiently for him to talk. Hawthorne had the issue, not Ezra.

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