Page 52 of Billionaire Boss

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With a growl, he lifts me in the air, scooping his arm under the backs of my thighs and carries me like a bride over the threshold, back into our luxurious bedroom. “We need to get these clothes off of you.” Slowly he undresses me, taking off one article of clothing at a time, dropping it to join the rest on the floor.

His rough yet gentle hands tie my wrists to the headboard with a black silk rope. I feel the cool fabric against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. He covers my eyes with a black silk tie, blocking out all sight.

I lie on the bed, completely at his mercy, my naked body exposed and vulnerable. I hear him moving around the room, his footsteps getting closer and then farther away. I can’t see what he’s doing but I feel his presence, the heat radiating off of him.

A thrill of excitement and anticipation run through me. It’s strange how the unknown has a way of heightening your senses, now making me ache for more. My teeth sink into my bottom lip, my fingers tightening around my palms, feeling the silk.

What will he do next?

Suddenly, I feel something light and tickly trail across my skin. It starts at the nape of my neck and slowly makes its way over my trembling belly leaving goosebumps in its wake. His fingers follow the same path as the object, caressing and teasing every inch of me.

“A feather,” I breathe, realizing what the soft touch is from.

“Shh,” he says. “Just feel.”

His touch is gentle yet firm as his fingers follow the feather. My body arches off the bed, as I wordlessly beg for more contact. But he continues to tease and torment me with slow strokes and feather-light touches.

I let out a moan of frustration mixed with desire as he trails lower and lower toward where I want him most. I’m aching for him, my pussy clenching for touch. He’s getting closer. Hope and relief twist together in my chest, ready for him to pleasure me. Just when I think he will finally give me what I crave, he changes direction and moves back up toward my neck.

“No! You can’t do that!” I cry out.

He grabs my hip, rolling me to my side. I feel a sharp spank against my ass, the pain sparking like fire. “No talking.” A pepper of sharp spanks land on the fullest part of my ass.

I have to bite my lip to keep from crying out.

The spanking stops as he presses my hip back down and starts the feather and finger caressing again. I feel myself getting wetter with each passing moment, craving his touch on my most sensitive areas. But he seems to be enjoying prolonging the inevitable as he continues to tease me mercilessly.

The Bachman men. Can’t live with them. Can’t have the best orgasm of your life without them.

I hold in a moan of frustration. Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, his lips finally find their way between my thighs. As I feel his hot wet tongue against my pussy, he drags the soft feather over my tightened nipples. He kisses and nips at my skin, driving me wild with hunger. I feel his tongue flicking against my folds, sending sparks deep within me.

My hips buck involuntarily, seeking out his touch, but he holds me firm, keeping me pinned down, a strong arm along my thigh, a hand pinning my hip to the bed. His lips trace a path over my pussy, leaving a trail of wet kisses that send shivers down my spine.

His feather dances across my nipples, leaving them hard and sensitive to the touch. He sucks my clit, his teeth grazing just lightly enough to send bolts of pleasure shooting through me.

“Rockwell,” I moan his name, my body arching off the bed, begging for more of his attention. But instead of continuing his sensual exploration, he pulls away completely, rolling my hip over. More stinging spanks cover my ass, his big hand sparking fire and pain across my ass. The sensation only heightens everything sending more waves of wet heat through my pussy.

I moan in frustration, my body aching for release. “Please, Rockwell,” I beg, my voice hoarse with desire. “Don’t stop now. I need you.”

“You’re breaking me down,” he says, his voice sexy.

Finally, I feel it. His fingers, cool and firm, trailing along the inside of my thighs, teasing and taunting me. I squirm beneath him, trying to guide him to where I need him most. But he’s relentless, moving ever so slowly, driving me to the edge of madness.

Finally, his finger enters my pussy, teasing and stroking me with just the right amount of pressure. Feather forgotten, his other hand reaches up to caress my breasts, his fingers dancing over my hardened nipples, then his full palm covers my breast with a gentle squeeze, the warm firm touch so different from the light teasing of the feather.

The two fingers inside me move expertly, rubbing along my G-spot.

I cry out, my body bucking beneath him. “Please, Rockwell,” I beg, my voice breaking with need. “I need you inside me.”

He chuckles softly, a low growl that resonates through me. “Not yet, baby. Not yet.”

And with that, he pulls away again, leaving me panting and eager, my skin slick with sweat and arousal. I feel his weight rise from the bed. I feel him moving around me, hear the rustle of his clothing coming off.

But he doesn’t say anything. He simply leaves me lying there, blindfolded and aching for his touch, wondering when he will come back. My heart races as I wait, every nerve ending tingling with anticipation.

Finally, I feel his heat and weight as he returns. He’s naked now, his bare skin warm and smooth against mine.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

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