Page 11 of Billionaire Boss

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Or more likely… do they have lawyers surveilling the internet twenty-four/seven, ready to hide every secret they keep? I close the computer, leaning back on my sofa, staring into space. I open the computer, searching again.

It’s totally gone. Like it never existed. Either a member of the family, or someone Bachman friendly has taken it down, scrubbed it from the internet. I think about the journalist that wrote the piece.

I highly doubt her punishment will stop here with the removal of her book.

“That is seriously powerful protection.”

Regardless of the secrecy of their elite society, despite the powerful family’s kinky ways…

I need that job.

I need his protection.

The question is will I be in more trouble under his protection than not? With him, there are other, more primal dangers that exist, lurking under those soul-searching blue eyes of his.

I give a little shudder and remember the feeling of being pinned against his hard thighs.

I tiptoe to the window, glancing down at the street to see if the black car is there. It always is. I already know it will be before I even spot it.

There, pulled up to the curb directly across from the window of my second-floor apartment, is a sleek black sedan, the windows tinted too darkly to see the driver’s face. After triple checking my door locks, I creep back over to my sofa, searching for comfort in my cup of noodles, but they’ve gone cold.

As I clean up, rinsing the last of the broth from the sink, I know I have a decision to make.

I’m a twenty-two-year-old with no real work history or experience with anything close to the Bachman family’s heart-racing bedroom antics. I’ve been bent over and spanked by the boss, against my will, humiliated, made to crave more of his shameful punishments.

But the car outside my window says my ex isn’t fully out of my life.

I’m in danger.

Rockwell has saved me once, at the register of the corner store. Can he save me again? No. I shouldn’t take his job.

But I don’t really have a choice.

Do I?



The morning finds me seated at my desk, anxiously tapping a pen against my ledger. Feeling like a damn kid again, waiting for a girl to pick up her phone when I call her. I may look my age, but this girl has me as wired with testosterone as I was in my late teens.

I almost wish I hadn’t thrown away those cancer sticks. I could really use the distraction of a smoke right now. No cigarette to busy my fingertips, they drum against the desktop.

Will she come?

Or will I never see her face again?

I glance over at the paperwork Claude had her sign last night. It’s all there, neatly stacked at the edge of my desk. At least I have her full name now, should I want to see her again.

I can’t tell if the spanking scared her off or will be the thing that brings her back. Her body was so responsive, pressing against me, soft moans coming from her pretty lips as I spanked her full, sexy ass.

I can still feel the zipper of her skirt pinched between my fingers before Claudia rudely interrupted me, saving the girl from further shame.

Sisters. Can’t live with them. And they’ll never let you live without them.

Especially the kind of sister that fools the world into thinking they’re the older twin when they aren’t.

Claudia wouldn’t be half the pain she is if she’d release the contempt she holds for the fact I was born first.

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