Page 10 of Billionaire Boss

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I imagine myself, skirt down, panties exposed, lying over him in this office. What panties am I even wearing? God. The humiliation.

Just as he reaches out to grab the zipper resting on my lower back, a loud knock on the door startles us both. He freezes as well and I take the opportunity to leap from his lap, straightening my clothing.

His expression darkens with annoyance. A flicker of uncertainty lights his eyes before he composes himself and calls out, “Not now, Claudia!”

“I just have some papers for her to sign,” she calls from behind the closed door.

He runs a hand through his hair. “Come in.”

The door opens, Claudia strutting into the room in her high heels. She holds a clipboard to her chest, white papers stacked neatly on top as she makes her way to his desk. As she passes me, she gives me a knowing wink.

Did she know what was going on in here? Could she hear the spanks as they landed on my ass?

But if she does know, has she just saved me?

And if she knows… has it happened to her, not with him, obviously, but with another Bachman man?

He makes me take a car back to my apartment—one he pays for, even the tip. I’m left alone in my small, sad place, scoping out empty cabinets for dinner, settling on yet another pack of instant noodles.

Watching a show on my phone, I sip at the steaming bowl of broth in my hands. I shouldn’t trust another man, fall into another trap, only to be left alone again. Especially not a man with such… interesting business methods.

Ones that left my pussy clenching for friction, my mind clouded with desire and confusion. I need to process how I felt about the crazy interaction, the sexy delivery of the boss’s rules. My mind and body argue incessantly.

It’s overwhelming.

I push the bowl of noodles away, pulling out my old laptop. It whirs to life as the screen lights up.

“Time for a good old-fashioned Googling session.” Pretending I’m Bella Swan in the first Twilight movie, I pull up the Google website, typing in Bachman Family of NYC, half expecting the words vampire, werewolf, and other mystical creatures to start swirling over the screen.

Instead, I get results with the words secrecy, mafia, billionaire, philanthropist. “But not hanky spanky, huh?”

My fingertips drag over the screen, wanting to type naughty words but never having done so before. Finally, I plug in kink, spanking, Bachman family.

Heat instantly rises in my face at all of the X-rated items that pop up. I’m half-tempted to close my screen, the other half ready to dive straight in, devouring all of the naughtiness. I scan the results, but none are specific to the family.

I’m no virgin but up until now, my sex life has been pretty mundane. Boyfriend takes what he wants, missionary style, sometimes remembering to get me off as well. No toys, nothing fancy, and now I’m pressing my thighs together at the sight of a sexy little black leather paddle.

I murmur to myself, “God, I’m so vanilla.”

Finally, pages down, one entry grabs my attention, the only story directly linked to the Bachmans. An eBook called: My experience at the Bachman Family’s Club Fire; The kink club you never knew was hidden in the hills of Italy.

“Naughty jackpot!”

I click on the free sneak peek of the book. A journalist, Harper Quinn, her pretty face smiling from the inside jacket of her book, has gone undercover to spend one wicked night as a guest at their club, experiencing anything and everything that they have to offer.

As I’m reading more, heat rushing between my thighs, picturing myself in the candlelit club hidden high in the hills, the link goes bad.

404 Page Not Found

“Huh. That’s strange.” I go through my history, trying to click on the link once more.

Instead, I get this message.

In response to multiple complaints we received under theUS Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 3 results from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaints that caused the removals complaint, complaint, complaint…

I try everything, thinking I may be going crazy, but can’t find anything about Club Fire. “It’s just… disappeared.”

Was I imagining it?

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