Page 7 of The Twin Sheikhs

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“You never said that you did not like it either.”

Bassem raised his eyebrows. “I have a short business trip to go on. So will I come in on Monday to see the revisions,” said Bassem. He rose to his feet. Blake also rose to her feet.

“Yes, sheikh,” she replied. “I hope you have a safe trip.”

Bassem nodded and then walked out of her office. Blake was left standing in her office feeling rather confused. She had witnessed two different sides of Bassem. He was different outside the office. He was more friendly and fun. In the office, he was strict and serious. She was just grateful that he had not disliked her work and dismissed her from the project.

Blake sat down at her desk. She grabbed a pencil and a blank piece of paper. She often did a quick sketch of the design before she used the BIM software. Once again she had a short amount of time to complete her design. Bassem was not giving her a lot of time. He wanted and expected her to work quickly and perfectly.

When it was lunchtime, CJ barged into Blake’s office with brown paper bags in her hand. “You should knock,” Blake said to her.

“I have food,” she replied with a grin. She held up her brown paper bags.

“Come in.” Blake put her pencil down. CJ quickly approached the desk and sat down on the chair opposite Blake.

“Did Bassem like your work?” CJ opened the brown paper bag and took the food out. She passed Blake her food and a pair of chopsticks.

“He said it was not bad.” Blake inhaled the scent of her noodles. She was quite hungry.

“Not bad? That is the nicest thing he has ever said to anyone in this company.” CJ laughed a little. “He hated everything that I designed for him.” CJ started eating fried rice.

“He wanted a few things to be redone and had a few additions.” Blake took a mouthful of her noodles and chewed.

“That is a good sign. I guess dancing with him last night was a good move.”

“He acted as though last night never happened.”

“What do you mean?” CJ and Blake swapped their food. They always bought different food and then shared it.

“He did not smile at me nor did he say anything about last night.” Blake took a mouthful of CJ’s fried rice.

“That’s weird.” CJ frowned.

“Tell me about it. I asked him if he had gotten home very late and he said no. But the way he answered me, he looked at me as though he was wondering why I was asking,” said Blake.

“He is really a strange man. He was really nice last night, and the two of you spent so much time together,” CJ replied.

“I guess I will just have to forget about last night and focus on my work.”

CJ shook her head. “Rich men are always strange. They’re either workaholics or playboys or have a sex dungeon in their homes,” she said. Blake narrowed her gaze at CJ.

“Sex dungeons?” she questioned. CJ burst into laughter.

“It happens. Rich men always have weird sexual desires,” she said. Blake shook her head.

“I am sure that has nothing to do with being rich. Even men working minimum wage jobs can have weird sexual desires.”

CJ smiled. She looked at her watch. “I have to eat fast. I have a client coming in five minutes,” she said. CJ and Blake swapped their food again.

“You better hurry,” said Blake.

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