Page 39 of The Twin Sheikhs

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“It’s a small price to pay for this situation.”

“The abduction was not his fault.”

“When I sent him to Austin with you, it was under the assumption that he was good at his job and that he was going to protect the both of you. He failed at that.”

“He found Basil no more than twenty-four hours later,” said Bassem.

“Anything could have happened within those hours. Do you understand the magnitude of your error?”

“I do, Father. Please don’t let Badir pay for it. He is the only man I trust with my life,” Bassem replied. Bassem had found that the men that had kidnapped Basil had been hired to do so. They were petty criminals that had been paid for the kidnapping.

“The only reason that I am even considering letting him keep his job is because he found the person that stole the van. That man had been paid a handsome amount a few days before. My men then traced the payment back to Youssef Hadid,” said the king.

“Youssef Hadid; Sheikh Khalifar’s nephew and right-hand man,” said Bassem. His face darkened. The king rose from his seat.

“You may keep Badir but he will get a pay cut and his land seized, and you will marry Keira,” he said to Bassem. Basil and Bassem immediately rose to their feet and bowed their heads to the king.

“Yes, your majesty,” Bassem replied. The king walked out of the room. Basil exhaled loudly and sat down. “That wasn’t too bad,” said Bassem as he sat down. Basil raised his eyebrow.

“What are you talking about? I have to work as a geologist,” he complained.

“You are qualified enough.”

Basil frowned. “Do you know how little the salary is?” Basil shuddered. Bassem took a sip of his coffee. He knew why his father was making Basil work a regular job. He wanted to discipline him and wanted him to learn about hard work and the true value of money. Basil had never wanted to learn about the family business. He just spent money on fast cars and women.

“I pity you on that,” said Bassem. “At least you don’t have to get married,” he added.

“What will you do about Blake?”

“There is nothing to do about her.” She was not his woman. So why would he need to do anything about her?

“I am disappointed in you.” Basil shook his head.

“Why?” Bassem asked dryly.

“I thought you had finally met a woman you could love but instead you are going to deny your feelings and just go along with what father says.”

Bassem raised his eyebrows. Part of him felt saddened by the idea of not pursuing anything with Blake. “We only shared a kiss. That doesn’t mean that I have feelings for her,” he said. Basil raised his eyebrows.

“You kissed her?” he asked. He looked so amused.



“And what?”

“What was it like? Do you crave her?”

“I am not having this conversation with you.”

“Then with who? It’s not like you open up to anyone else.” Basil took a bite of his toast.

“It was just a kiss. I didn’t make a big deal out of it and neither should you.” Bassem sipped his coffee and then rose to his feet. “I have to go and get ready to meet Keira,” he said and then headed for the exit.

“My stone-cold brother!” Basil called out after him. Bassem just ignored him and kept walking away.


Bassem headed downstairs after a maid told him that Keira had arrived. He had changed into a white shirt and a pair of grey trousers. He didn’t know what was appropriate or inappropriate when meeting with a betrothed. So, he decided to dress as he normally did.

He walked out into the palace where an unfamiliar woman waited for him in a courtyard. She was sitting at a marble-topped table and rose to her feet when Bassem walked out. He studied her as he walked towards her. She was tall, probably about five feet nine inches. She was slim but curvy. She wore a beige dress that complemented her bronze skin. Her jet-black hair was tied up into a neat ponytail.

“Your highness,” she said with a curtsy when Bassem approached her. She wore small diamond earrings. She had an impressive bone structure.

“You must be Keira,” said Bassem.

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