Page 15 of The Twin Sheikhs

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Chapter 8

There was a knock on the door. “Yes?” Bassem called out. Amina swung the door open and walked in holding a tray with two cups and a glass coffeepot on it. She approached the sheikh and Blake with a smile on her face.

“I brought some coffee,” she announced as she placed the tray down on the table. The sheikh nodded in response. She poured the coffee into the cups before she left the office. The sheikh gestured for Blake to have her coffee.

“Thank you,” she said as she reached out for one of the white mugs.

“It’s Lebanese coffee,” he said to her.

“Really?” Blake inhaled the scent of the coffee before she took a sip. “It tastes good.” She had never tried Lebanese coffee before.

“Yes, the coffee has a rich and strong flavor,” Bassem added.

“You’re a coffee person?”

“I don’t understand what that means.”

Blake smiled. “People often like either tea or coffee. I prefer coffee; therefore I am a coffee person,” she said.

“I like both equally,” said Bassem.

“I failed to like tea.”

“You just haven’t tasted the right one.”

“So you like tea but dislike ice cream,” she said cheekily before she took a sip of her coffee. He had told her that he didn’t like ice cream when she had offered it to him at the office. It was still odd to her that it was his twin brother that she had spent time with.

“You find that peculiar?” he asked her.

Blake nodded. “I’ve never heard of anyone disliking ice cream. It’s like hating Christmas,” she said.

Bassem shrugged his shoulders unapologetically. “I will need for you to go and inspect the site where I want to build my house,” he changed the subject. The informal conversation had lasted for a very short period. He was such a serious man and rarely smiled.

“Yes sir,” Blake replied.

“When we are done here, my driver will take you there.”

“I brought my car with me, I can drive there myself.”

“Very well,” Bassem replied. “I have already had the site surveyed for environmental hazards and there are none.”

“That makes my job easier.” Blake smiled. It was part of her job to make sure that the building site was safe to build on.

“In our next meeting, I will need you to bring me estimated budgets,” Bassem said to Blake before he took a sip of his coffee. Blake nodded. “I will need you to look into contractors, engineers, plumbers and electricians.”

“You don’t have to worry about all of that. I will get you all the information you need. Your house is in safe hands.” She flashed a smile.

“I did not think your hands were dangerous,” he replied.

“I meant that I will do my job very well.”

“I hope so because I do not give second chances.” Bassem wore such a serious facial expression. His intense gaze sent chills down Blake’s spine. He made her nervous.

“I see,” she replied.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“No, I do not.”

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