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They arrived in El Saad around 10 p.m. the next day. The flight had been a fourteen-hour one and Fiona was feeling rather tired. She hadn’t slept much during the flight because of the anticipation. Fiona unbuckled her seatbelt and rose from her seat. She stretched hers arms before she walked down the aisle.

Fiona walked out of the jet and down the stairs. There was a car already waiting for her. Lady Agaiby’s secretary was waiting for Fiona outside the car. Fiona smiled and shook her hand when she approached her.

“Hi Marina. It’s nice to see you again,” Fiona said as she shook Lady Agaiby’s secretary’s hand.

“Hello Fiona. How was your flight?” Marina replied.

“It was very long.” Fiona laughed a little. She had not expected a fourteen-hour flight. “But it was comfortable, very comfortable and I was treated well.”

“I am happy to hear that.” Marina opened the car door for Fiona.

“Thank you,” Fiona said before she got into the car. The driver was loading her luggage into the trunk of the car. Marina got into the backseat and sat next to Fiona. The car drove off moments later.

“You will have your own quarters,” Marina said to Fiona. “You don’t have to worry about washing your own clothes or making your own meals. There are maids for that,” she added. Fiona was surprised. She somewhat expected to do most things for herself. Marina reassured her that Lady Agaiby didn’t want her to worry over too much. She wanted Fiona’s focus to be on the crown prince.

They arrived at the palace not too long after. The guards opened the massive cast-iron gates for them. The driveway leading up to the palace was quite long. Fiona and Marina got out of the car when the car had parked at the front of the palace. Fiona was astonished at how massive the palace was. She could tell that it cost a fortune to build.

“Let’s go in. Lady Agaiby awaits your presence,” said Marina.

“Okay, let me just get my stuff,” Fiona replied.

“The maids will take your luggage to your room.”

“Oh okay.” Fiona nodded.

She followed Marina into the house. It was a long walk to Lady Agaiby’s quarters but Fiona did not mind. She enjoyed discovering just how beautiful the palace was. From the outside, you could tell that the palace was decades old. However, the inside of the palace was modern. There were high ceilings and captivating paintings were hung on the walls. The floors were made of beautiful cream and brown marble. Fiona was just beyond amazed.

Marina knocked on the door when they had arrived at Lady Agaiby’s quarters. Fiona ran her hand through her curly hair and just neatened it up a little. A maid opened the door for them. Marina smiled and nodded at the maid as she walked in. She walked down the short hallway and then entered a massive room. Lady Agaiby was sitting on a cream-colored chair. She looked as elegant and stern as the first time Fiona had seen her. She was talking to someone sitting on the sofa opposite to her. Fiona could only see the back of the person’s head.

“Good evening, Lady Agaiby.” Marina bowed her head as she greeted her.

“Hello Marina,” Lady Agaiby replied. She looked at Fiona and smiled. “Welcome, dear,” she said to her. The person she was speaking to turned around to face Marina and Fiona. He had silkysmooth honey-toned skin, dark eyebrows and intense green eyes. He had a straight nose and medium-sized lips. He was the most beautiful man Fiona had ever laid her eyes on.

“Who is she?” he asked. His silky tone and masculine voice made Fiona’s stomach knot up.

“This is Fiona,” Lady Agaiby answered him. She looked at Fiona and said, “Come and meet my grandson.”

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