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Chapter 7

Fiona was surprised when Daniel came to the dining room for dinner the first time she asked him. He had refused to eat lunch and he had refused breakfast and lunch the day before. Fiona watched him as he entered the dining room. He positioned himself at the head of the table. Fiona picked up the serving spoons and served him grilled lamb, vegetables and salad.

“Enjoy your meal,” Fiona said as she turned on her heel. She wanted to go sit in the living room while he ate his dinner but Daniel stopped her.

“Where are you going?” he asked her.

“I am leaving you to dine in peace.”

“I have not dismissed you.” He cut into his lamb. Fiona stood by the door waiting for him to tell her what he wanted. “Stay there, until I am finished eating,” he said. Fiona raised her eyebrows.

“I should stand here until you are finished eating?” she asked. Daniel nodded.

“That is what all the maids have to do for the royal family.”

“Oh.” Fiona thought it was old-fashioned.

“This salad is dry,” Daniel complained.

“Shall I get you more dressing?” Fiona asked him.

“No.” Daniel shoved a forkful of vegetables in his mouth and chewed slowly. He kept his gaze on Fiona as he ate. “How old are you?” he asked her.

“Twenty-four,” Fiona replied. She wondered why he was asking. He didn’t seem interested in her.

“What do your parents do?”

Fiona crossed her eyebrows. “Why are you suddenly taking an interest in my personal life?” she asked him.

“Pour me a drink,” he said. Fiona walked over to the table and picked up the glass jar and poured the drink into Daniel’s glass. He picked up the glass and took a few mouthfuls. “Fill it up,” he said. Fiona filled up his glass. When she was finished, she backed up a few steps from the table. She hated that she had to stand there while he ate.

“What do you want to do tomorrow?” she asked him.

“You will still be here tomorrow?” he asked.

“Of course.” She was not going to quit that easily. He wasn’t as bad as his grandmother had said he was. Sure, he was rude and a bit fussy, but so far it wasn’t something she could not handle.


Just as Fiona was about to knock on Daniel’s bedroom door, she heard a beautiful sound coming from his room. It sounded as though he was playing his guitar. Fiona stood outside his door and just listened to him play for a few minutes. He played a rather sad but beautiful song. She wondered what was going through his mind as he played. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

She knocked on the door before she walked in. “Good morning your highness,” she said as she walked into his room.

“Bow your head,” he said without looking up from his guitar.

“How did you know that I didn’t already do so?”

“You seem to never bow when you speak to me.”

Fiona smiled. It wasn’t on purpose. She somehow always forgot to bow her head to him. It was probably because she was not used to it and because he wasn’t very nice to her.

“Have you had your breakfast?” she asked him.

“I need you to change my bed sheets and covers,” he replied. Fiona nodded. That was simple, she thought to herself. She walked over to his bed and stripped off the sheets and the bed covers. She took them to the bathroom and put them in the laundry basket. In his bathroom was a closet that had clean towels and bed sheets. She took out new sheets and covers.

Fiona returned to Daniel’s bedroom and made his bed. She turned to face Daniel, and before she could ask what he wanted her to do next, he told her. “Take everything that is in the laundry basket and wash it,” he said to her.

“Yes sir.” Fiona went to the bathroom and retrieved the laundry basket. Just as she was walking past Daniel, he stopped playing his guitar.

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