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“I’m going to bed now, goodnight,” she said. Mia and Cynthia rose to their feet.

“This is absolutely shocking. I really want to see what the man looks like,” said Mia.

“Me too,” Cynthia echoed.

Cynthia and Mia both walked out of Emma’s room. Emma threw herself backwards. She lay in bed just staring at the ceiling. She had gotten rid of her sisters because of her muddled thoughts. She was still not over the fact that Kiro had bid on her. Not only had he bid on her, he had actually paid $20,000. She understood that it was for charity but it still meant going on a date with her.

After the gala, Kiro wrote a check to the charity for the $20,000. Then he told Emma that he would pick her up from her home on Sunday afternoon. They went their separate ways. Emma was totally confused. She didn’t know what to think. Kiro was a man of few words. He didn’t easily reveal much about himself. It was very hard for Emma to guess what he was thinking or what he would do next.

Emma sighed as she rolled to her side. Just what was she going to wear for her date with Kiro? She didn’t want to overdress and look like she was trying too hard to impress him. She definitely didn’t want to look too plain. She wanted to look good in front of him. She wondered where he was going to take her. What would they do and what would they talk about?


Emma headed straight for the shower as soon as she woke up. Kiro was taking her out on a lunch date and so she needed to look her best. After taking a shower, she wrapped a towel around herself. She stood in front of her closet pulling out different outfits. She really didn’t know what to wear. It would have helped if she knew where Kiro was taking her.

Eventually Emma wore a white knee-length dress with thin straps and a flower pattern. She wore the dress with wedge sandals. She brushed her hair and left it down. She took a small white bag and put her phone, house keys and peppermints inside it. She headed out of her bedroom and rushed downstairs.

“Is that what you are wearing to your date?” Cynthia asked her as she walked into the kitchen. Emma looked at her dress.

“What’s wrong with it?” she asked.

“It’s plain.”

“I thought it was okay. I didn’t want to overdress.”

Their mother walked into the kitchen. She looked at Emma from head to toe. “You look nice, where are you going?” she asked.

“Thank you,” Emma replied.

“She has a date with a rich man,” said Cynthia. Their mother looked at Emma with a questioning gaze.

“She was part of an auction at the charity gala last night. Some rich man bid to win a date with her,” Mia explained.

“That sounds exciting,” said their mother. Emma poured herself a glass of juice.

“It wasn’t exciting. It was so awkward and embarrassing,” she said. Their mother smiled.

“Who is the man taking you out then?”

Before Emma could answer, the doorbell rang. Cynthia’s grey eyes lit up. “That must be him,” she said as she ran out of the kitchen. Emma walked out after her.

“Wait!” she called out to her little sister. If Cynthia spoke to the sheikh, she would ask about a million and one questions. She would also say things about Emma to him. Emma didn’t want that. It would definitely make things awkward for her.

When Cynthia opened the door, there was a man standing there in a black suit. “Hello sir,” Cynthia greeted him.

“Good afternoon, ma’am,” he replied. Emma rushed to Cynthia’s side. “The sheikh has sent me to pick up Miss Grey.”

“A sheikh?” Mia called out from the kitchen doorway. Even their mother was standing in the doorway trying to see who was at the door.

“That makes things that much more interesting,” said Cynthia.

“I’ll see you guys later.” Emma headed out of the door. She was both disappointed and relieved that it wasn’t the sheikh at the door. Part of her wanted him to pick her up from her house; the way any man would pick up his date. The other part of her wasn’t ready for him to meet her curious sisters.

Emma followed the man to the car. He opened the door for her. She thanked him before she got into the backseat of the car. The man shut the door behind her and then got into the driver’s seat. He started the car.

They arrived at their destination half an hour later. The driver had taken Emma to an affluent part of Dallas that she had never been to before. They drove up to a large residence and parked outside the house. Emma couldn’t tell if it was a house or a hotel because of the size of the building.

“What is this place?” Emma asked the driver.

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