Page 101 of Riff

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“Maybe one of the kids is carrying something,” I suggested. They always did seem to be coming down with something.

“Haven’t you been kind of sick for the past, you know, three weeks, though?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I agreed, nodding, thinking of all the perfectly amazing meals I’d been missing out on because I could barely choke a few bites down.

“Have you, you know, had your cycle yet?” she asked, her pretty face giving me a suggestive look.

But suggesting what?

My cycle?

What did she… oh.

“Oh,” I said, eyes widening.

“I mean, there’s a chance, right?” she asked.

Given that Riff and I still had sex as often as possible, yeah, there was definitely a chance. And while we were, you know, careful, I had to admit that there had been a few times when condoms hadn’t been around.

And now that Everleigh mentioned it, I was probably three weeks late at this point. I’d just chalked it up to never being super regular, and the stress of not only doing my classes at the studio, but getting my channel going online, doing my mixture of yoga and ‘guided meditation for releasing trauma’ videos. After consulting with Dr. Swift about my scripts.

It had been a lot.

It had taken less in the past to skip an entire cycle.

But in the past, I wasn’t having frequent and amazing sex with the love of my life.

“Want to go pee on some sticks?” she asked, making it sound like a fun, normal girly group activity.

“Do you think you’re pregnant?” I asked, voice low.

“I mean, not really. But you never know, do you?” she asked, shrugging.

“I think we should,” I agreed, looking over toward the studio as a few of the women stood around talking.

I usually liked to stick around after in case someone needed an understanding ear.

But, just this once, I guess I needed to prioritize myself.

So Everleigh and I walked into the grocery store, picked out a few tests, took the self-checkout, then headed back to the gym to go into the women’s locker room to take our respective tests.

“Um,” Everleigh said, brows scrunched as she looked down at the tests on the counter, sitting on top of their boxes. “I think we mixed ours up,” she declared.

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “You wanted the one in the pink box, remember?” I asked. I’d opted for the one that would give me digital words instead of lines I would have to decipher. “Why? What’s the matter?” I asked.

Everleigh grabbed my test, looking at it, then hers, looking at that, back and forth.

“What is it?” I asked, stomach clenching.

“Um, if these are right… we’re both pregnant,” she said, eyes wide.

“What?” I asked, snatching my test back, seeing the digital Pregnant on the window. Everleigh’s had the lines, but there was no mistaking their answer.

Both unconvinced, we went back to the store, grabbing more tests, then chugging water until we could take more of them.

By the end of the next hour, there was no mistaking it.

We were both very hydrated.

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