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“You should lay down.” When he doesn’t listen to me, I roll my eyes and focus on pouring him some water.

Stubborn-ass cowboy.

Wyatt moves to my side as I pass Chance the glass, urging him to drink slowly.

“You’re really fucking stupid, you know that, right?”

“Wyatt!” I gasp.

“What? He knows it, we all know it.” He narrows his eyes at Chance. “You almost got yourself killed, just like I said you were going to.”

“Can we save the ‘I told you so’s’ for later?” Chance’s voice is rough and gravelly, like he’s smoked a lifetime of cigarettes in a night.

“No, you need to hear this. You scared every last person in town with your dumbass plan. Not to mention risking your horse and cattle. And you didn’t even bring fucking bolt cutters with you when you fled to the fence? What was your plan once you got there?”

“Didn’t have one.” Chance thrusts the glass at me before lowering himself back onto the bed.

“Not now,” I seethe. Running my hands through Chance’s hair, I try to comfort him as he covers his eyes with his arm.

“If we all had to rush back into the fire to save his ass, he can listen to this.” He gives me a side glare that tells me to shut up. “You’re reckless and you’re a fucking idiot. When I left you, I assumed it was because you were smart enough to get your dumb ass out of the fire, not stay like some damn martyr.”

Chance remains silent, except for a small cough.

“Well?” Wyatt demands.

“You’re right.”

Wyatt and I both stare at him, not believing we’re hearing him admit that.

“This is enough for now. Wyatt, go take a walk. We can finish this later.”

“How about you both go for a walk?” An older nurse suggests as she walks into the room. “Now that Mr. Declan here is awake, I need to run some tests.”

I nod, leaning down and kissing him on the forehead, too grateful to have him back to think about how he hasn’t said a word to me since he woke up.

Wyatt and I walk in silence to the elevator. I need coffee desperately. And food, but I’m feeing prideful, and I won’t eat because Wyatt had all but ordered me to earlier.

“He needed to hear it,” Wyatt says gruffly as we stare at the screen of the elevator, waiting for it to reach our floor.

“Are you trying to convince me or you?”


The beep of the elevator and muffled hospital sounds hang between us as the numbers on the screen tick by.

How many fucking floors are in this building?

As the doors finally open, we shuffle inside and don’t say another word. I move to the farthest corner away from him. It may be childish, but after the way he spoke to Chance, I can’t risk lashing out at him. I need to save all my energy for getting Chance home.

Home. I don’t even know where that is anymore.

The hospital cafeteria is eerily quiet, with only a few employees sitting quietly at tables.

Walking briskly, I leave Wyatt behind and go straight to the coffee machine. I need the biggest cup they’ve got, even though I know it will most likely taste terrible.

I don’t look for him as I pay and make my way to an empty table as far away from everyone as I can get. Taking a sip of the overly bitter coffee, I wince and try to pretend it’s my favourite latte instead.

I take another sip, realizing that no amount of wishing will make this one of Tess’ lattes.

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