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“I’m going with him to the Whiskey Falls Rodeo Gala tomorrow.”

“That’s a bold move. He usually goes to those alone.” Mike relaxes back into his chair, resting an ankle on his opposite knee.

“How do you know so much about Chance?”

“Who do you think looked into him for Todd? We needed to learn everything about the man when he took over the ranch. While his father was a tough, but fair, businessman, Chance was, and still is, a loose cannon. Wouldn’t you agree? Surely as his girlfriend you would know this.”

Well, fuck.

“Like I said, it’s newer and we are taking it slow. We don’t talk a lot about work.”


A crushing weight presses against my chest as we stare at each other. The silence in the room is deafening. I know Mike’s not believing this. He’s too good of a lawyer and judge of character to believe me, but there’s nothing I can do other than pray he drops it.

A flash of light from my desk draws my attention away from my building anxiety. My heart rate picks up, thumping in my ears so loud I’m sure Mike can hear it, too. This time, it’s not from his line of questioning, but from the words on my cell phone screen.


The limo will be by at five tomorrow.

I use every ounce of willpower I have to resist rolling my eyes as I pick up my phone.

I miss you, too, baby. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I’ll be waiting with bated breath to see you again.

Lose the attitude. Does 5pm work for you?

No attitude. Just telling you how I feel, love.

Drop it, Dakota.

Make me, Chance.

I smirk, loving how much I can get under Chance’s skin.

“Loverboy?” Mike asks with a wide smile on his face.

“If you mean Chance, then yes.” I place my phone back on my desk, face down. “He’s letting me know what time he’s picking me up for the gala tomorrow.”

My phone dings again, but I don’t rush to answer it. Mike looks between me and the phone, raising an eyebrow as he looks at me expectantly. I won’t give him, or Chance, the satisfaction of seeing just how much I’m dying to see what Chance’s reaction to my text is. How much I hope he’s just as frustrated as I am.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it, then.” Mike stands and walks to the door, turning at the last moment. “Just be careful, alright? I’m not saying that from a business perspective, even though it is a thin line with how hard Todd has been working on signing him as a client. I meant that for you. You’ve been through a lot these last few months, Dakota. I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

Tears well in my eyes as emotion rises in my throat. I’m not a crier. I hate crying. But having Mike care for me like this means a lot.

“Thanks, Mike,” I croak, swallowing down the rising lump in my throat.

With a nod, he leaves, closing the door behind him. I sit staring at the closed door for a moment, afraid to let out the breath in my lungs. That was too close. Too many lies. My stomach is in knots knowing that I did that, but what other choice did I have? I can’t tell Mike the truth, that it’s all a show for me to save face and for Chance to lie to his investors.

It’s all getting to be too much. This isn’t who I am.

Buzzing from my desk makes me jump. Placing my hand over my heart, the speedy thumping matches the ringing in my ears. Taking a deep breath, I berate myself for being so on edge before picking up my phone, not even looking at the screen before swiping and putting it to my ear.


“Dakota,” Chance’s deep growl rumbles through the speaker. That voice. My body trembles, adding to my already emotionally ridden high. “Do not ignore me.”

“I’m not ignoring you, Chance. I’m working. Some of us can’t just live off family wealth.” I regret the words as soon as I say them. I know that’s not fair to him. I also know how hard he works on his farm. His silence lets me know the comment also didn’t go unnoticed by him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. What can I do for you, Chance?”

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