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“I guess you could say my previous track record with men wasn’t glowing, either.” I say as I lean back in my chair.

“That’s true. Chadwick was always an asshole.”

“He was?” I ask, sitting up straighter. “Why didn’t you say anything to me before?”

“Because he was your boyfriend, Dakota. I couldn’t very well tell you that you were wasting your time with him.” He holds my gaze, studying me.

“But you’re willing to tell me now?” I raise my eyebrow at him, biting back a smile.

“This is different. Chance Declan is a different league. While Chadwick is an ass, the breakup wasn’t as widespread across the town. Being involved with Chance means that everyone in Whiskey Falls and the surrounding area is going to be watching your every move.”

I hold his gaze for a moment longer, taking in his words. That is another aspect of the deal I hadn’t thought out. Sure, in the back of my mind I knew that being with Chance meant that people would notice; that was the point, but I didn’t think of the magnitude of it. This wasn’t just going to be the talk of the board of the rodeo, or just the town. Mike was right, this would be spread to the surrounding towns, and everyone involved in the rodeo. This is as much paparazzi as small town BC gets.

“But in terms of levels of asshole-ness, I guess you are doing better with Chance than Laughlin. I mean, as far as I know, Chance just breaks hearts, not laws.”

I groan, putting my hands on my face.

He had to bring it up.

“You have to stop beating yourself up about what happened, you know.”

I let out another groan, lowering my head—and hands—to my desk. “Can we not talk about this?”

“You mean how he broke into your locked desk to steal records from you?” I drop my hands and look up to see Mike run a hand through his short, greying hair. “You did everything you were supposed to do, Dakota. How were you to know that the bastard would go to such lengths for that information?”

“Because it happened on my time and in my house, Mike. Our case was compromised because I let him into my home.”

“Dammit, Dakota,” Mike exclaims, rubbing his face with his hands. “We all take our work home with us. We all have a level of expectation that something like this could happen. It’s not like you willingly handed them over. In any case, what’s done is done.”

I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. We’ve had this exact same conversation at least a handful of times since my breakup with Laughlin, and each time, I feel just as bad as the last.

“My point is, I just hope you aren’t jumping into anything with Declan. He might not be the same type of snake as Chadwick, but he’s still a snake.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. He’s not a rebound or some fling. Plus, we’re taking it slow.”

“Uh, huh.” Mike narrows his eyes at me. “And you’re totally fine with the women he has been seeing up until he was spotted with you?”

My heart stops. I knew these types of questions were going to happen. I had prepared for it. Discussed it with Chance. It still doesn’t make me feel any better having it actually asked of me.

“It was nothing. I wasn’t ready to go public with him yet, and they were just friends of his.” I don’t meet his eyes. Instead, I find a speck of lint on my sleeve more interesting than this conversation.

“Uh huh,” he says, obviously not buying what I’m telling him. “And why wouldn’t you want to go public with him when you’re dating?”

Leave it up to the lawyer to not leave this alone. He’s like a dog with a bone.

“You know, we had that big Wilson case.” I continue to pick at imaginary lint on my sleeve.

“Dakota,” Mike’s voice is stern, causing me to look up and meet his gaze. I’ve always seen him as more of a friend than an authority figure, but at this moment, I feel like I’m about to be reprimanded by the school principal.

“What? It’s nothing. They’re nothing.”

“It’s like you’re not even trying to get me to believe you. What’s really going on?”

I purse my lips, trying to come up with anything that would be believable to Mike. Then I remember something Chance had said to me in passing. “It’s nothing. I just know Todd has been trying to get the ranch as a client, and I didn’t want to interfere if our relationship wasn’t going anywhere.”

“And is it going somewhere?”

I take a deep breath. Here it is. More lies. I’m going to have to navigate this without stretching the truth too far. Not to Mike.

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