Page 89 of Merciless Vows

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I’m standing beneath the shower, my hand going over my face and my body. When my fingers lightly graze my nipple, I let out a soft moan. They’ve been oddly sensitive for a while now. Nico loves sucking on them or teasing them because it’s a quick-fire way to get me horny. He also mentioned that my breasts seem bigger, but I’m not really sure.

I shake my head to clear it of thoughts like that. There’s already enough on my mind. I turn the handle of the shower and step out, drying myself and putting on some underwear. I grab one of Nico’s shirts and a pair of shorts to wear before stepping out of the bathroom. He asked me not to wait up for him, but I won’t be able to sleep until he gets back. Plus, I’m hungry. I head downstairs to the kitchen. It’s a little late, and the staff isn’t around, which is fine. I was going to cook for myself anyway.

When I get to the kitchen though, I smile at the sight of Mona standing in front of the stove, preparing some soup.

“Hey,” I greet her, prompting her to turn around.

She smiles at the sight of me. “Aurora, dear. What are you still doing up?”

I sigh. “Waiting for Nico to get back. What about you?”

“One of the capo’s sons is sick. He’s in one of the back houses. I thought I’d prepare some chicken broth so he can get better,” she tells me. “It’s done now, actually.”

I watch as she calls for one of the maids to pack up the soup and take it to the sick boy.

“You’re still taking care of everybody,” I say softly, feeling a tug in my heart.

I wonder how this house would have been run if Mona wasn’t there. She made sure all of the children were safe.

“Of course I am. And I’ll continue doing so until I die,” she states. “Are you hungry, sweetheart? I can cook you something. I can make anything you want.”

My heart warms at the caring expression on her face. I was going to have a salad, but now I actually want something filling. After the day I’ve had, I think I deserve it.

“Actually, Mona, can you make me a burger?” I ask.

“Of course, dear. Come sit down,” she says kindly, leading me toward one of the stools in the kitchen. “Are you all right?”

I blow out a breath before shaking my head.

“Not really. I’m worried about Nico.”

“I’m sure he’s fine, Aurora. If you ask me, Nicolas has nine lives. And I know he’d use every single one of them up if it meant he would get to come back home to you,” she says softly, running a hand through my hair. “I’ll make some cinnamon tea to soothe your nerves first before starting on that burger you requested.”

I offer her a grateful smile as she walks away to do just what she said. I’m suddenly reminded of my own mother. Sometimes, I find myself wishing she was still here with me. She’d know what to do. My mother was kind and beautiful. Everyone who met her loved her. She had this ethereal grace about her that was soothing.

It’s been so long since she passed away that I can barely remember her anymore. I was six and Lucia was three years old when she got sick. She had cancer. And the worst part is, now the last image I have of my mother, the one that refuses to leave my mind, is the one of her in her hospital bed, looking so frail and ill. I hate that it’s how I remember her.

I hate that she was taken from us so soon. Her death broke my father. It had lasting effects on all of us and what our lives became.

“What are you thinking about, honey?” Mona asks as she hands me the cup of tea.

I take a small sip and it helps to warm me up. A sense of calm washes over me.

“My mom,” I answer honestly.

Mona’s brown eyes soften. “Your mother was a queen among women, Aurora. She was taken from us too soon. She loved the both of you so much.”

“I know,” I breathe. “I just wish she was still here.”

“She’s always with you, Aurora,” Mona assures me. “Now, should I still prepare that burger? It seems a little late. And it’s not your cheat day, if I’m correct.”

I laugh at the fact that she remembers that. I try to regulate my diet most of the time, eating healthy to stay fit. But I’ve also assigned one day every month that I can eat anything I want. I usually want fast food then—burgers, fries, milkshakes. But sometimes on a hard day, I veer off course, needing a pick me up in the form of food.

“No, it’s not. I’m just really craving a nice, juicy cheeseburger right now, Mona.”

“All right, honey. Just give me twenty minutes.”

I sit there and watch as she makes the burger. She and I talk about some of the kids currently living in the compound. I ask if there’s anything they need or if the staff have made any requests. Nico makes sure everyone is well provided for, and Mona ensures everyone has what they need by running a tight ship. I check on them sometimes as well, just because I care. The compound houses a familial unit. We take care of the kids, people who have nowhere to go, and families in the outfit who are down on their luck. Some of the capos live here, as do some of the guards. It’s like a small village.

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