Page 71 of Merciless Vows

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By the time we arrive in the city, it’s like a switch has been flipped inside Nico. Gone is the man who whispered sweet nothings in my ear and made me feel special. Instead, I have a cold, calculating Don by my side.

I can feel the tension as we’re driven into the compound. There are several cars parked outside, waiting. Nico already briefly explained what’s going on, and I understand how delicate the situation is. He fixes the buttons of his suit jacket before looking up at me, blue eyes shuttered and devoid of emotion.

“Stay close to Danny, okay?” he asks.

I shake my head. “I’ll stay close to you.”

Nico frowns. “Aurora, things could go wrong fast, and I need to know you’re safe.”

“Exactly. I’ll be safe by your side. Plus, isn’t it a good idea to present a united front in there? I am your wife, after all.”

His lips curl upward at that, probably because it’s the first time I’ve ever referred to myself as his wife. It’s still fake, but after everything that’s happened at the beach house, I believe it a little more.

“All right, stay by my side. You are my queen, after all. It’s where you belong,” he says, a proud glint in his eyes.

I feel a rush at his words, relishing them. Vlad opens the car door, and we step outside.

He and I walk up the steps leading into the house together. We get a better view of the situation once we step inside. Adrian is holding a really fancy-looking dagger and pointing it at Camila’s husband’s throat, who’s on his knees in front of him.

Camila looks angrier than I’ve ever seen her, rage filling her brown eyes. Her uncle Marco, stands beside her as they watch Lukas and Adrian. Surprisingly, the calmest person in the room right now is Sebastian, who is currently lounging on the couch, watching the interaction with a bored expression.

“What is this?” Nico asks, his tone low and foreboding.

They all look up as their Don enters. Except Adrian, who doesn’t stop glaring down at Lukas, the dagger inching closer to his skin. Lukas’s lip is busted and there’s a bruise forming on the side of his face. I’m actually surprised Adrian was able to land a punch on the intimidating six-foot-four Russian man.

“I’m glad you’re here, Nicolas,” Camila speaks up. “Adrian is acting like a brute and holding my husband hostage. I want an end to it now.”

Nico’s eyes simmer with controlled anger.

“Rossi,” he barks, finally drawing Adrian’s attention. “Explain.”

When he speaks, his voice still has that slow, amused drawl hiding within it.

“Welcome back from your honeymoon, Don. I hope you enjoyed it.”

Nico’s eyes narrow. “Explain yourself,” he repeats.

“Oh, you mean this,” he says, gesturing at the man on his knees in front of him. “I just came across a member of our organization in a meeting filled with snakes. I had to bring him in for questioning. Maybe kill him.”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Camila snaps.

“I already killed all the snakes in the den,” Adrian shrugs. “And he’s next.”

“You did what?” Nico asks, his voice growing even more menacing.

Camila’s the one to reply. “He killed the men from the Bratva.”

Nico takes in a calming breath. “Are you trying to start an all-out fucking war?”

“Would be nice,” Adrian replies, expression growing darker.

For the first time I realize how truly dangerous he can get. He acts all charming, with smiles at the ready, but really, he’s nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

“Let him go,” Nico orders.

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