Page 45 of Merciless Vows

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I can see why so many people like her. Her internet persona is the same as her real-life personality. I’m guessing that sincerity shines through the screens of people’s devices. People like watching the blonde taking them along on the journey of her life with a bright smile and a bubbly attitude. No wonder she has ten million followers.

“By the way, I really don’t mean to pry, Aurora, but I can’t keep ignoring that,” Jessica states, pointing at the ring on my finger. These days I forget it’s even there at all. It’s been two weeks since Nico and I agreed to this fake marriage, and I’ve come to settle into that reality. “Is that an engagement ring? It’s stunning.”

“Thanks, Jessica. My boyfriend proposed a while ago,” I say, lying through my teeth.

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you. When’s the wedding? Do I get an invite?”

My eyes widen, and I quickly give her the excuse I gave to my employees.

“Actually Jessica, we’re having a really small wedding. The only people invited are our family members.”

Another lie. Ironically, everyone in the outfit but Nico and I’s family will be in attendance at the wedding. Nico doesn’t have any family. And the only two people I still consider my family are Lucia and Sabrina.

My sister is sadly still blissfully ignorant about what is going on over here in Chicago and I plan to keep it that way at least until after the wedding. I feel bad for hiding it from her but I know Lucia. If she finds out, she’ll insist on coming and I really can’t deal with that right now.

As for Sabrina, she still hasn’t called me. I promised to give her time, and I’ve been doing that. But I really miss my best friend. I just hope she finds it in her heart to forgive me soon.

“Well, I guess it makes sense. You’ve always been pretty private. I mean, you don’t even have any personal social media accounts,” Jessica points out.

“It’s never really appealed to me,” I say with a small shrug.

Also, creating social media accounts is basically announcing my existence to any mob boss or drug lord who may have some sort of beef or revenge fantasies against my family.

“I’m still glad, though. Judging by the size of that gem, your husband’s a rich man. You’ll be happy,” Jessica says brightly.

If only money was the key to happiness in any marriage. Jessica’s young though, so I’ll let that comment slide. We finish the tour, and she leaves, giving me a warm hug.

“Congratulations on your wedding,” she says softly.

Condolences would be more fitting, darling.

“Thank you,” I say warmly.

Once she’s gone, I turn to look at Lia, who was silent the entire time Jessica was here. She and I talk a little more about our plans for the house. When we’re done, I suggest we go out for lunch.

“There’s this new Chinese restaurant that opened up a while ago,” Lia says brightly. “We should go there, Ms. Kent.”

“Finally, a smile. You’ve been giving me sour looks all day,” I say teasingly.

“That’s because you said we couldn’t come to your wedding,” she says sadly.

I sigh. “Trust me, Lia. You don’t want to come to my wedding.”

Even I have no interest in attending my wedding.



“Boss,” Vlad says, “someone at one of Camila’s clubs is causing trouble and asking to see you.”

I flick an eyebrow up. “Asking to see me?”

“Yes, boss. Apparently, he’s got some important information you’ll want to hear.”


“All we’ve been able to get is that he used to work in Santiago’s gang.”

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