Page 44 of Merciless Vows

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“Yes, but that was before I brought you back into this world. You’re a target now, Aurora. Anyone that wants to hurt me is going to try to go through you.”

I see worry flicker in his blue eyes. I wonder if he’s thinking about Shay. My heart aches for the woman I never really knew. And even if he tries his best to hide it, I’m sure a part of him cared about her. He kept her around for way too long not to have done so.

Maybe he even loved her.

I hate that the thought hurts.

“Like you said, you brought me back. So, if anything happens to me, it’ll be your fault. Because I didn’t choose this.”

Nico jaw clenches.

“Danny’s your personal guard from now on. He will go everywhere with you, do you understand?” he says, expression shuttered, closed off.


It’s nothing more than I expected anyway. I also know that he’s neglecting to mention the three other men I’m sure he’ll have shadowing me as well. I probably won’t be able to see them, but they’ll be watching me at all time to keep me safe. It’s exactly the method of protection my father employed when we were younger. I would call it ridiculous, but I know first-hand how dangerous things can get.

It would be safer to stay locked up in here, like a princess in a castle. But I also can’t just sit at home every day. I refuse to let him relegate me to the status of some sort of trophy wife. And I know he knows me well enough to understand that I would have never let him do that.

“You can’t win everything, Aurora,” Nico tells me as he steps away.

“Maybe but I’ll never give up trying to,” I say to his back as he leaves.

I step into the grand foyer of the influencer’s new home, my heels clicking softly against the polished marble floor. The space is breathtaking, a blank canvas with high ceilings and expansive windows that flood the room with natural light. The client, a well-known social media influencer named Jessica, is waiting for me with a bright smile.

“Aurora, I’m so glad you could make it!” Jessica gushes, her enthusiasm contagious.

She’s dressed in chic, casual attire, every detail of her look meticulously curated. She leans down to place air kisses against both my cheeks, and I return her greeting with a smile.

“Hi, Jessica. Of course I made it,” I tell her. “I can’t wait to get started.”

The potential in here is limitless. There are only three other people in the room. Lia, who always accompanies me to on-site locations, Jessica’s bodyguard, a tall muscular man in a black suit, and Danny of course, who stands imposingly in the corner. He’s wearing a white shirt and grey pants. I tried to get him to stay outside, but he insisted that the boss would kill him if he let me out of his sight.

I expect Jessica to comment on the fact that I seem to have a bodyguard of my own, but she seems focused singularly on her home and her dream design for it. We begin our tour, starting with the living room. It’s a spacious area with a beautiful view of the Chicago skyline.

“I want this room to be a mix of modern and cozy,” Jessica explains. “Something that’s Instagrammable but also feels like home.”

I nod, already envisioning the possibilities.

“We can achieve that with a neutral color palette as the base,” I suggest, “then add pops of color through accessories and artwork. A mix of textures will also help, velvet cushions, a soft wool rug, and maybe a statement piece like a marble coffee table.”

Jessica’s eyes light up. “I love that idea. And what about the lighting? It’s so important for photos.”

I tell her that I’m already working on contacting a supplier for LED strips and maybe even a chandelier in the center of the room to brighten it up even more. The windows will have automatic blinds, so it’ll be easy for her to open them and let the natural light in during the day.

We move toward the kitchen, which is sleek and modern. Jessica doesn’t really want any changes in there.

“I don’t cook anyway, so I guarantee it’ll be underused,” she informs me.

“All right, then let’s check out your bedroom.”

Jessica’s bedroom will be a blend of tranquility and luxury with soft, muted tones and plush fabrics. She wants the room painted a soft baby blue color. By the time we finish, my notebook is filled with sketches and notes. Jessica is beaming, her excitement infectious.

“This place is going to look amazing by the time you’re done,” she says with full confidence in my skills, which I appreciate. “Can you give me a suggested timeframe?”

“Sure, I think I can have everything ready for you in about three weeks. Will that be okay?”

“It’s perfect,” she beams, rubbing her hands together.

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