Page 4 of Merciless Vows

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“No one if the bastards don’t show themselves.”

“But if they do, we get to kill them?”

“You can shoot as many as you want,” I assure him with a nod.

His eyes gleam at the prospect. Danny’s always felt at home in the middle of violence. He’s a killing machine with a sort of bloodlust that would make most people uncomfortable. But I consider him an asset. As long as I can control him.

Danny has only just stepped away when there’s suddenly the screeching of tires in the distance. Everyone immediately goes on high alert. Soon enough, three black cars appear. I hear Danny yell for the men to take cover as a stream of bullets are fired in our direction.

My men manage to hide behind their cars in time and soon they’re firing their own weapons. I jump behind a large red container to get a better read on the situation. There are only about ten men, which is surprising to me. I’m here with nearly three times that many. I can’t help but wonder who sent them on this suicide mission.

One of my men gets hit in the arm, but before one of the fuckers finishes him off, I shoot him in the head, saving my man’s life. That, unfortunately, gives away my location. I run for another container, trying to get a clear shot, but with so many of my men on the battlefield, it’s better to just watch rather than risk hitting them.

The intruders hold their own, thanks to their bulletproof vests, but ten minutes later, most of them are dead. I step out from behind the container once the fighting stops, strolling casually toward the center of the area, where one of the fuckers is being restrained on his knees.

Danny gets a punch in that leaves him bleeding from the mouth, before stepping aside for me to look at him. He has dirty blonde hair and a long, thin scar running across the side of his face. He looks to be in his mid-thirties. He has tan skin. I’ve never seen him before.

“Who sent you?” I ask.

He glares at me, brown eyes resolute and without fear. It’s a little admirable, I’ll admit, since everyone else he came here with is dead on the ground.

“Answer the boss, cazzo!” Danny spits, stepping forward like he’s going to hit him again.

I raise a hand to stop his approach. “It’s all right, Danny. I can handle him,” I state. My voice is smooth, my tone low as I speak to the man. “Although I’m sure you would prefer it if I left you to Danny. You do know who I am, right?” I ask.

I notice a muscle twitching in his jaw. But I have to give it to him. His expression remains the same. He’s seemingly fearless. I plan to remedy that soon enough.

“They refer to me as the Butcher, which, if you ask me, is a ludicrous nickname, but do you know why they call me that?” I’m not expecting a reply, so I carry on. “It’s because by the time I’m done torturing a man, his body parts are in so many different pieces, he’s unrecognizable.”

As expected, the man on his knees before me starts to shake. His entire body trembles both at my words and the even tone in my voice. He knows I’m fucking serious. I’ve built a reputation in this city. And he’d be foolish to cross me.

“Relax,” I say soothingly. “I’m not a fan of that form of torture. It takes too long, and it’s too messy. You have to really piss me off for me to do that to you. You haven’t done anything. Just tell me who sent you, and I’ll bestow mercy upon you. My offer has a time limit, though. Speak before I count to three. One…”

I haven’t even said two before he’s yelling, “I have a message! I have a message for the Don!” he shouts, lowering his head.

I cock my head to the side. “Speak. I’ll ensure he receives it.”

He swallows before replying. “We were sent by Santiago,” he states, causing me to arch an eyebrow.

I guess that answers my question about how they knew when to ambush us. Santiago’s men were meant to accompany the shipment, but they’re still not here, which means they’re not coming. He sent these stupid excuses for assassins instead.

“We have an alliance with Santiago,” I say slowly.

Santiago is in charge of one of the biggest drug cartels in the country. The alliance with him was hard-won and hard-earned a couple of years ago. I took it upon myself to make the deal with him back then. I knew he was getting antsy, I just didn’t think he’d be so foolish as to attack us.

“Not anymore. A few days ago, one of our men was murdered and dropped in front of a warehouse with the word ‘Maranzano’ carved into his face. The alliance is over. Santiago wants revenge. And he’ll stop at nothing to get it,” the man says. His tone is getting more assertive.

I roll my eyes. “He’s an idiot if he thinks that’s reason enough to start a war.”

“That was his message, Ramirez. Take it or leave it,” Santiago’s man says on a snarl.

“I think I’ll just take your life,” I state.

His eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to speak. Before he can get any words out though, I lift my gun and shoot him in the forehead. I feel nothing as he falls to the ground.

“That was more mercy than he deserved, boss,” Danny says, a note of disappointment in his voice.

“Maybe. But we’ve got bigger problems. Santiago’s a rabid dog that needs to be put down.”

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