Page 29 of Merciless Vows

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He finally looks at me, blue eyes harsh and unyielding.

“Work on your attitude, Aurora. Remember, you’re supposed to be my blushing bride.”

“Screw you. I am so much more than that, and you know it.”

Nico sighs, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.

“Let’s not fight tonight. I already have a lot on my mind,” he states.

I consider telling him to go fuck himself. But I decide it wouldn’t be in my best interest to push him. He turns lethal fairly quickly if things don’t go his way.

“Fine,” I grit out. “Let’s talk about our cover story.”

He arches an eyebrow. “Cover story?”

“Yes. What are we going to say when people ask how this relationship came to be?”

“No one will question me,” he states, like the idea itself is completely ludicrous.

I roll my eyes. “Of course. No one will question you, your majesty,” I say sarcastically. “But what will I say when I’m inevitably pulled aside by a wife of a capo or a made man looking to understand our sudden engagement?”

“You’ll tell them to mind their business.”

“Your attitude needs serious work,” I tell him. “Lucky for you, I already thought of something. You and I recently reconnected a couple of years ago, when Valerio had his first surgery. You sought me out to inform me about his health, and we started seeing each other then. I didn’t want to be exposed to the outfit, so I asked that our relationship be kept a secret. Plus, Valerio wouldn’t have allowed it. But since he passed away, we’ve decided to make our relationship public. Especially since you’ll be taking up your rightful position as Don soon,” I recite the words perfectly, my tone sincere.

Nico’s staring at me inquisitively, appraisingly.

“What?” I ask. “You don’t like the story?”

I thought it was pretty good. I added bits of the truth in order to make it more believable.

“I’m just surprised at how good of a liar you’ve become,” he says.

My jaw tightens, and I pat down on the front of my dress. “I didn’t have much of a choice.”

“It’s a good story. But you should note that your father had the bypass surgery five years ago. Specific dates will make your story much more credible.”

I nod. I guess we’ve been seeing each other for five years then. An absurdly long amount of time. But it explains why we’re getting married so quickly.

Neither of us says a word for the rest of the ride. The closer we get to compound, the more the nerves I’ve been trying to stave off threaten to bloom. I grew up there, it’s my childhood home. It’s a place I haven’t seen in a decade.

As the gates swing open, memories flood back, mingling with a wave of nostalgia and apprehension. The compound stretches out before me, unchanged yet somehow unfamiliar after all these years. A courtyard stretches wide in front of us, leading to the mansion standing in the middle of the compound. It looms large, a symbol of power and legacy. Its stone facade stands proud, columns framing the imposing entrance. The compound feels both familiar and foreign, a paradox of comfort and constraint.

We’re allowed entry without any fuss, but as soon as the car falls to a stop, several men surround it with guns in their hands. My mouth dries. I turn to Nico with raised eyebrows. His expression is steady, unchanged.

“Is this supposed to be some sort of welcome home surprise?” I ask.

Maybe he brought me here to kill me.

“Of course not,” he says, eyes trailing over the men who haven’t moved a muscle, waiting for us to step outside. “They won’t do anything. Come on.”

Vlad has already exited the car, circling it in order to open the door on Nico’s side. Nico steps out and stretches his hand to me to help me do the same. I consider not taking it, but this is the worst possible time to be a brat. I settle my hand in his, trying to ignore the shiver that spreads through me at the contact.

It’s because I’m cold. Maybe a strapless dress wasn’t my best idea, considering the night air. His hand rests over mine, and I let him guide me out of the car. My heels land on gravel as I stretch to my full height in front of the guards. They raise their guns, trailing their eyes over my face. I can spot the fear in their expression as they do so. It’s a testament to Nico’s reputation, I’m sure.

Most of them are so young I’m sure they don’t recognize me. But the man in front does. I can tell by the widening of his eyes. I vaguely remember that he works for Sebastian. He steps forward and opens his mouth, but Nico speaks before he can get a word out.

“Vlad, shoot the first man who as much as moves,” he orders.

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