Page 27 of Merciless Vows

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“What the fuck are you talking about now?”

I clasp my hands as I look straight into her eyes.

“I sat down here as you made all your little requests. I agree with every single one of them. We’ll have a fake wedding like you said. But despite that, I need you to understand something, sweetheart. By agreeing to marry me, you’re signing yourself away to me for four months. You’ll be my wife, and I expect you to act like it. In the eyes of the outfit, we’re in love and ready to be married. And when we do so, I’ll be Don. And once I’m Don, you won’t disrespect me ever again. Got it?” I ask mockingly.

She glares at me, rage filling her brown eyes.

“I hate you.”

“You know it doesn’t matter how many times you say that, sweetheart. I never grow tired of hearing it.”

Probably because it means she still feels something from me. I’ll take hate if that’s what she has to offer.

“One last thing,” I tell her. “You and I are going to the compound tomorrow to announce our engagement. I expect you to be moved in by the end of the week.”

She jerks in surprise. “Move in?”

I arch an eyebrow. “Yes. I expect you to move in with me, Aurora. I’m surprised it didn’t come up despite your extensive list.”

“Why can’t we move into my house?” she protests.

I chuckle lightly. “That’s a joke, right?”

She shifts uncomfortably in her seat. “I can’t just up and move out of my apartment. Do you know how long it took before I got off the waiting list to live in that place?”

It’s odd hearing Aurora Maranzano speak like she’s some kind of commoner.

“What do you mean by waiting list? Your father would have bought you that entire building if you asked for it.”

“What father? I didn’t have one then, and I certainly don’t have one now,” she says dryly.

“Right. I don’t care about your apartment, Aurora. You and I are moving into the compound. It’s non-negotiable.”

“You can’t do that. I have a life outside the outfit now. I have work. I have friends.”

“You have one friend,” I correct. “Sabrina Miller. And from what I’ve been able to gather, she has no idea who you really are. If I were you, I’d tell her the truth. It might be hard to find a believable enough excuse for why you’re suddenly moving out and getting married.”

Her expression flickers for a second, and I catch doubt and worry swirling beneath it. She covers it up, her hand tightening around the cup in her hand. She doesn’t argue with me on that, which means she’s been thinking about it. Good.

“With regards to your company, I want to believe by now it’s already self-sufficient enough that you can take some time off.”

“Four months is a long time,” she states.

“Then work from home. I’ll even let you make an appearance once in a while.”

“You’ll let me?” she grits out.

“Yes. Like I told you, Aurora. You’re mine now,” I say, getting to my feet. “I’ll wire some money into your account. Buy yourself a ring. We’ll be seeing your godfather tomorrow evening. Don’t forget to wear a pretty dress.”

She’s looking at me incredulously. And for the first time, I see fear flicker in her brown eyes. I hate how it fills me with satisfaction.



What have I gotten myself into?

I stare at the ring on my finger. It feels heavy due to both its weight and its significance. The band is diamond studded, with each tiny gem set so perfectly that it creates a continuous, shimmering circle around my finger. It’s cold and unyielding, much like the man I’m going to have to marry. Nico sent me a hundred thousand dollars earlier this morning with a text ordering me to go crazy. I considered telling him I didn’t need nearly that much money to buy a symbol of the cage my life is about to be over the next few months. But it was clear he wanted me to splurge on the ring, so I did.

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