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I squeezed by him, keeping the guitar between us, and gave him my best forced smile.

He shrugged. “No problem. Would’ve hated to see it run over.”

I grinned at him.

“I swear, you’re so familiar to me,” I said as I put the guitar into my front seat. “Do I know you?”

He tilted his head. “I don’t know. Do you?”

I grimaced. “Uhhh. It feels like I do.”

He grinned. “Maybe we do.”

Then he was walking away without looking back.

I watched him go as a shiver coursed down my spine.

So. Weird.Chapter 20You know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s cold.

-Text from Castiel to Turner


“Just fucking stand there, like a good little boy, and let me get the goddamn picture,” my captain practically snarled. “I just want to see if the dog has an owner. If he does, then I want him to get home.”

Goddamn, my captain and his bleeding heart when it came to lost animals.

“I don’t like my picture being taken,” I told him bluntly. “Make sure that you take it, and then crop me out of it or something.”

My captain rolled his eyes.

“You’re being a baby,” he said.

I wasn’t being a baby.

I hated having my picture taken. That was that.

Oh, and I had somewhere to be.

Like home, with Turner, doing things like eating, napping, and having sex.

Not particularly in that order.

Yet I was here, holding a dog that the chief had found, and the chief was taking my picture.

Once he was done, I handed the dog over and brushed the hair off of my police uniform.

I hated wearing it.

Normally I got to do the plain clothes thing seeing as I was a detective, but today I’d had to appear in court. The damn thing had taken over two hours out of my day of usual work, but that worked since Easton and I had hit yet another dead end on the case we were working on.

It’d been three weeks since we’d had a hit on his email address, and all had been quiet since then.

Which led us to now.

Me needing to do other things besides sit around and twiddle my thumbs.

“I have hair all over me now,” I muttered darkly.

The chief handed me a lint roller off his desk and said, “Get home. Have a good weekend.”

I nodded once. “I will. You, too, Chief.”

With that I started out of the chief’s office and headed to the parking lot, being sure to flip off Easton as I passed him in my office.

He flipped me off in return, and I was grinning as I made my way out to the parking lot.

But when I got home, it wasn’t to find my woman where she was supposed to be.

When I called her, she answered immediately.

“Hey!” she chirped. “I’m in the RV.”

I immediately changed directions and started back outside, but paused at the door to shuck my shirt, shoes, and gun.

Placing them on the side table next to the entranceway, I headed in her direction, stopping only once when I stepped on a sticker in the grass.

Cursing the bright idea of me taking off my shoes before I’d walked across the grass that I knew had fucking stickers in them, I walked very carefully to the front of the RV.

Thanking all that was holy that I only got two more on my way to her, I hopped up lightly on the first step and pulled the door open wide.

The first thing I saw as I walked inside was the massive eighty-inch television playing porn.

I got a face full of cock and tits—or more aptly a cock fucking a pair of tits—and immediately felt myself get hard.


Because I thought about doing that exact thing with Turner and I couldn’t help where my mind wandered.

“Hey,” I cleared my throat. “You working?”

I hoped.

She shook her head. “No. Watching a porn for once…though only because I wanted to see how this one came out. This is the one that I was paid extra to do the rush job on. It’s ‘trending’ on the website tonight.”

I walked over to where she was sitting and sat on the arm of the couch, my eyes glued to the screen.

“You did those subtitles?” I asked, grinning.

Turner giggled and I turned and looked down at her.

“Yeah,” she answered honestly. “I got a little creative with this one since he told me to ‘make it funny.’”

I just shook my head as I watched the screen.

“Squelching sounds?” I teased.

She shrugged. “Hey, it’s hard to explain the sounds of a cock tunneling between a pair of tits. And since she’s not moaning or anything, I have to put something there!”

A low moan came from the screen, causing me to turn back.

The scene had changed from the tit fucking to the couple lying on the bed kissing, the man’s hand now buried in the girl’s pussy.

“A cop and a what?” I asked, looking at the screen.
