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I immediately went back out to the living room and started putting on my clothes. Once I was ready to go, I gestured to the door with my chin.

That was when I saw the cat at the window, looking in like he was pissed for being forgotten.

“You do have a cat!” I said as he walked with me toward the door.

“Told you I did.” He laughed as he opened the door. “But don’t go tryin’ to pet him. He really is an asshole and will take a swipe at your fingers before you touch him.”

I admired the cat from afar, always cognizant of people with more knowledge than me warning me of something.

“I’ll have to feed him good stuff so he likes me,” I offered. “Hey, why are all the blinds open in my RV? And why is the television on?”

He looked over at it and shrugged. “I only stole your keys and closed the pop outs. The television was on when I got there. The blinds were open, too.”

I frowned harder. “Maybe Bud went over there before he left.”

“He was watching your porn files then.” He laughed. “Because those were what was on the television as I made my way inside.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that.” I shook my head. “I’d rather not even think about it, either.”

Chuckling, he led me to the passenger side of my truck and opened it for me.

I rolled my eyes as I got inside, finding it funny that he was driving but just assumed that I realized that since he drove us to the Thanksgiving dinners. It wasn’t that I cared, but he could at least tell me he was.

But, as Castiel rounded the front of the truck, the only thing I could see of him was the top of his shoulders, his bearded chin and the side of his face, and I realized that that was just who Castiel was. He was a man’s man and wouldn’t ever make apologies for it.

“Ready?” he asked as he started my truck up.

I nodded.

“Something wrong?” he asked as we pulled out of his driveway.

I shook my head, unwilling to give him shit for a habit that was probably ingrained into him from childhood.

Speaking of childhood.

“Your parents ever get ahold of you?” I asked.

He frowned as he pulled out onto the main road and headed in the direction of the campsite.

“No,” he grunted. “How do you know about them trying to contact me?”

I shrugged. “Why do you still have a home phone?”

He grinned. “Because it was a package deal. Get the phone with the cable and internet. They called on the landline then? Did you answer it?”

“No.” I shook my head and leaned into the middle console as he took another turn. This one down a much bumpier road. “I listened to the message, though. Your mom called and said she was sorry.”

He snorted. “She’s full of shit.”

I shrugged. “Whatever the reason…I think you should hear her out. She sounded awful on the phone.”

He sighed and continued to drive, not stopping to talk until we were at the gates that led to the campgrounds.

After nodding at the attendant, he made his way past before he said anything to my reply.

“I’ll talk to them when I’m ready,” he admitted. “But, just sayin’, they pissed me off. It may not be until next year some time that I get over it.”

I pointed out a toddler that was rushing fast toward the road, with what looked like the toddler’s big brother fast on his heels.

Castiel slowed and waited for the big brother to catch the toddler before taking the last turn that led to where my RV had once been located.

“I think you should…holy shit.”Chapter 18I burned 200 calories by avoiding my aunt at the supermarket.

-Text from Turner to Castiel


The first time that I was meeting Castiel’s crew of misfits, better known as the Bear Bottom Guardians MC, as Castiel’s new girl wasn’t supposed to be like this.

But as we were all staring at his destroyed motorcycle in the barn at Castiel’s house, I realized that I’d have to get used to the MC’s intensity.

They were there to stay, just as I hoped Castiel was.

“Any idea what happened and why?” Wade asked.

Castiel shook his head and touched the tip of his toe to the bent exhaust pipe.

“Nope,” he said. “There’s absolutely no surveillance in the park. Not even a person that monitors the area. That part of the park is rarely used due to the size of the spots. They’re the last to be filled, and only when it’s absolutely necessary since that particular other lot that is next to hers is the owner’s private spot that is never used. Not even during busy season. It’s always left open upon explicit orders via the owner.”

I frowned. “If that’s the case, what’s with the man that was staying there camping out of his car?”
