Page 147 of For Keeps

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“Riley’s wreck. I caused her to have it.”

“Rhys, you’re like a son to me, and I’m going to talk to you like I’m your father, and I want you to listen to me. Riley’s wreck is not your fault. It’s the truck driver’s. It’s just how things timed out with Riley driving beside him when he lost control. It could’ve been anybody that he hit.”


Mr. Martin held up his hand. “Stop. It isn’t your fault.”

“Mr. Silverman?” I heard someone say. It was Dr. Abbott.

“How is Riley?” I asked.

“She’s good. I expect her to make a full recovery.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, as did everyone else.

“Thank God,” I said. Then, I introduced Dr. Abbott to Riley’s family.

“When can we see Riley?” Mrs. Martin asked.

“After she gets out of recovery. A nurse will come get you.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Riley was still out from being sedated when we were allowed to see her. Afterward, everyone returned home except for Mr. and Mrs. Martin and me. I wasn’t leaving Riley’s side.

“Rhys, we’re going to get some coffee. Would you like some or anything to eat?” Mr. Martin asked.

“I’ll take some coffee, please.”

“We’ll be back as quick as we can.”

“Okay, thanks.”

When they left the room, I looked back at Riley. She hadn’t woke up yet. Unsurprisingly, she still looked beautiful despite all she’d been through.

I pulled a chair beside her, sat down, laid my head on the edge of her bed, and closed my eyes. A few minutes later, I felt Riley run her fingers through my hair, and I looked up.

When our eyes met, we both started crying. Then I stood up, leaned over, and gently kissed Riley.

“I love you,” I said.

She nodded and pointed at herself and me.

“I’m so sorry about all of this. It’s my fault,” I continued.

Riley gave me a sympathetic smile and shook her head no. It was a struggle for her to talk, so I continued.

“Deep down, I knew you were telling me the truth about you and Chad. My pride and all of my insecurities when it comes to you got in my way. You’ve always shined so brightly—like a beautiful star—and I believed you’d eventually get bored with me and our hometown again and want to leave. That’s why I ended things, Riley.”

She took a ragged breath and whispered, “I don’t shine without you, Silverman.”

I stared at her, wanting to crawl into her hospital bed and hold her in my arms, but I couldn’t. Then I thought, I damn sure can. So I did. I didn’t care if I got into trouble for doing it.

“Mia bella, you’re going to leave this hospital in a few days, and when you do, you’re coming home with me. Once you’re fully recovered, I’m marrying you,” I told her.

She held up her left hand, looked at the engagement ring I’d given her, and smiled at me. Then she reached for my left hand, ran her fingertip over the tattoo on my ring finger, and said, “You’ve always held the key to my heart, and I can hardly wait to be your wife.”

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