Page 87 of Penalty of Love

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There should be a “follows you” after his name. But there’s nothing there. I suppose it could’ve been his new social media manager that did it … but my heart plummets in my chest nonetheless. My night is now ten times worse.

Has he forgotten me? Is he playing games with me?

I don’t know why Cameron would ever play games. He’s never struck me as the type to do something like that. However, I have to admit, I’d rather him be playing games to get me back rather than forget me completely—or maybe he chose not to follow me because I hurt him so badly.

I hate that I hurt him…

“You look incredible.” Cierra’s voice grabs my attention from my phone and I shove it back in my small clutch, forcing myself away from the screen. “I love gold on you.”

“Thank you,” I tell her before turning to Brittany. “This is my plus-one and my friend, Brittany. She’s a professional stylist.”

Cierra shakes her hand, introducing her fiancé. Garrett takes his turn next, and the way he shakes Brittany’s hand should be illegal. It’s slow, and he lingers with her touch for a few moments longer.

And she eats it up, her face flushing red.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Brittany.”

“You, too,” she says coolly. In fact, she’s so at ease with it that I want to cheer for her. She’s exercising her feminine charm and I’m loving it.

“We should take a few pictures—the five of us,” Garrett says, though his eyes are still on Brittany.”

“Of course.”

Why not post more pictures Cameron’s never going to see?

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“The last game of the season is tomorrow, boys!” Blaze shouts from the couch, a drink in hand. “Then it’s time for the playoffs. Ya’ll ready?!”

“I’m definitely ready. But I think after the playoffs, we should take a massive freaking vacation,” Dylan calls out from the armchair, where his feet are propped up on the ottoman.

“Let’s focus on winning first.” Blaze remarks. “But I’m definitely down for some off-season fun afterwards.”

“Yay,” Addy grunts from beside him. “Nothing like off-season fun.”

“You’re just bitter because you still have to work.” He chuckles, shooting her a wink that makes her blush.

“Sorry for being a normal human being.”

I’m not sure exactly what’s going on with the two of them, but there’s more beneath the surface. I’m not going to press the issue. If Blaze wants to talk about it, he can come find me.

“I’m just tired of us hanging around here all the time. We need a break, and I vote somewhere tropical,” Dylan adds.

“Sounds like a sunburn,” I mutter, plopping down on the couch beside Blaze and Addy. “I don’t like sunburns.”

“You’re just saying that because you’ve already been on vacation this year,” Kade jokes. “You could definitely use a break. You’ve been so moody lately.”

“More like broody,” Dylan muses with a smirk.

“Maybe it’s just his time of the month,” Addy calls out. “I read somewhere that men get them, too.”

“Inappropriate.” Blaze pokes her arm. “But we all know when—”

“Don’t you even dare,” she cuts him off with a glare.

He cringes. “Sorry.”

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