Page 69 of Penalty of Love

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I recall what happened, explaining as thoroughly as I can, all the while thinking that I might as well be interviewed by a police detective. Tina listens in silence, and the only thing Jefferson does is scribble things down on his notepad. It’s nerve-wracking.

“Did you feel threatened by Mr. McCall?”

“I’m sorry, who?”

“Samuel McCall.” Jefferson never looks up from his notepad.

“Right.” I swallow hard. “I, um, I...” I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus, and right now, I feel like I’m driving it.

He looks up and sighs. “These statements are for our own internal use and may help in the aid of assisting those who are involved.”

“Okay, then yeah,” I admit, thinking back to the shock I felt in the moment. “It was definitely intimidating and caught me off guard. I didn’t mean to trip and fall into him.”

“And Mr. Hastens?”

“What about him?” I furrow my brow.

“Did he intimidate you? Make you feel uncomfortable? Is it true that you’re staying in a cabin with him?”

“Uh...” I try to process the rampage of questions. “I am staying with him in a cabin, though I don’t ... I don’t know what that has to do with anything.”

“Does he intimidate you?”

“No, of course not,” I say, suddenly feeling defensive.

“You don’t feel as though he could hurt you?”

My mouth gapes. “Oh my gosh, no. If anything, I feel ... I feel safe with him. He was just defending me. Samuel swung at him first.”

Jefferson doesn’t say anything, just scribbles more down onto his notepad. “I see.”

“Cameron wouldn’t do anything to hurt anyone unless they started something with him. I know that. He overreacted, yeah, but he’s not harmful—”

“Thank you,” Jefferson cuts me off. “That concludes your statement.”

“Um, my statement?” I question, wondering if maybe I should’ve called a lawyer to help me out with this.

“It’s just for our records,” Tina says quickly.

“I need you to sign this.” Jefferson pulls out a packet of stapled papers from inside his binder. He holds them out to me, and I eye Tina, who smiles reassuringly.

“It’s a nondisclosure agreement. We have a lot of high-profile guests here, and while we understand that sometimes incidents get leaked, we do our very best to prevent that from happening—for the sake of all parties. We’re here to help people get better, and sometimes those techniques put stress on one’s ability to control their anger. They explode. In a minor incident like this, we like to ensure their privacy.”

I nod, blowing out a sigh of relief as I take the NDA from Jefferson. He hands me a pen and I skim the contract. I know I should probably read into it more, but honestly, I’m just relieved that this place is on top of taking care of the people who come here. That means that not only are they protecting Samuel, but they’re also protecting Cameron from getting in trouble.

And even though I’m still irked at him, I don’t want him to lose his spot on the team—or get in some massive amount of trouble.

Jefferson clears his throat, and I realize I’m still sitting here, the pen hovering over the line I need to sign. “If you would.”

“Sorry,” I nearly whisper before signing my name and dating it. “Here you go.”

I hand it over to him.

He takes it, giving me a slight nod. “I know you’re a social media manager,” Jefferson begins, giving me a less-than-pleasant look. “And there would be significant consequences if any of this leaks to the public.”

My stomach knots up at the jab. “I understand. I don’t want to see anything happen to either of them.”

“Good,” he grunts before shoving the NDA into the binder and standing to his feet. “On to the next, Tina.”

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