Page 60 of Penalty of Love

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I think it’s happening because … maybe it was meant to happen.

And as much as I want to fight for this, to convince her that this doesn’t have to end … I’m afraid that if I push too hard, she’ll pull away completely … and then I’ll lose her. Forever.

I wrap my arm around her in the same way that I did while she slept last night. She lets out a soft sigh that rocks me to my core. Everything about holding this woman feels right, but my mind draws me to the end, reminding me of how much it could hurt.

I tighten my grip around her, her breaths growing steadier and deeper than before. I gaze down at the peaceful expression on her face. I’ve never met anyone else that could fall asleep so fast…

Or maybe, just maybe, she falls asleep like this because I make her feel safe.

And that is worth more to me than anything else.

Chapter Nineteen


Oh my...

My back.

I shift in Cameron’s arms, a searing pain in my lower back. I untangle myself from him, instantly fighting the urge to groan. However, as my eyes land on Cameron, still snoring lightly under the morning sun, I can’t help but smile.

I saw a side of him last night that I’ve never seen before...

And I liked it. A lot.

Not only that, but he made me feel understood, for perhaps the first time since I lost Gran. Which is why I decided to quit overthinking about what might happen between us after the retreat and simply enjoy the present.

The morning air sends a chill down my arms, and I shiver.

How the heck did we manage to sleep out here and not freeze to death or get eaten by a bear?

I giggle to myself, and the noise causes Cameron to stir beside me. His eyes flutter open, squinting into the morning sky.

“Holy crap,” he mumbles. “My back hurts.” His face contorts as he gazes up at me. “But you look gorgeous this morning.”

“Oh stop.” I laugh. “I probably look like a mess.”

“A hot one.” He shrugs. “Can I make you some breakfast?”

I hesitate, as if we haven’t eaten breakfast together every day since arriving. However, it feels like there’s more to the question—not that it’s a bad thing.

I just can’t let myself think it’ll last beyond the days spent here.

“So...” Cameron pushes himself up off the ground with a grunt and extends his hand. “Should I take the silence as acceptance? Or denial?

“Acceptance.” I take his hand. “I’d love that.” I catch my breath at the warmth of his touch.

Together, we work to clean up the picnic items, and I steal glances in his direction. For being well over six feet, he sure moves gracefully. But I know he’s a powerhouse beneath all those muscles. I’ve watched him skate on the ice.

Hockey players are graceful brutes, I think.

Our eyes meet as we head inside. He flashes me a toothy grin. My heart stutters and I look away, feeling my face flush. It’s like I’m a fifteen-year-old girl again and my crush just looked in my direction.

And it’s as enthralling as it is terrifying.

“We have to dress for a ropes course today,” Cameron says as I step out of the bedroom in a flannel and a pair of jeans and tennis shoes. “Yesterday, I told them you’d participate. It keeps the team numbers even.”

My mouth drops open. “No way.”

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