Page 50 of Penalty of Love

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“They shouldn’t,” he growls. “You’re beautiful, but you’re not an object.”

I can’t help but smile, taking in the way the moonlight reflects in his eyes. “Do you see me as an object?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, I see you for what you are. You’re not only beautiful, but you’re also smart, cunning, funny, and strong-willed. You have a big heart. You’re caring and compassionate. There’s a fire inside you that can light up even the darkest of places—”

“Okay,” I stop him, blushing. “That’s not professional.”

“Nothing about this is professional.” His eyes darken. “And you know that.”

My heart races in my chest as his fingers brush my cheek, placing my hair behind my ear.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt more seen in my life.

And beyond feeling seen, with Cameron I feel … safe. It’s as if the walls around my heart are starting to crumble.

I gaze into his gorgeous hazel eyes, expecting him to lean forward and try to kiss me again, but he doesn’t. Instead, he smiles and then continues down the trail.

Which leaves me feeling empty.

As much as I appreciate that he is trying to respect my rules and boundaries, every single ounce of my body wants to break them right now.

“Wait,” I call out to him, reaching for his hand. Before I can even think about it, my fingers interlock with his and I tug him back to me. With bated breath, I rise onto my tiptoes, closing the distance between us.

Screw the rules.

He understands. And without hesitation, his hands find their way into my hair, pulling me closer as our lips meet in a feverish embrace. A hunger floods through my chest, igniting a fire within me that I never knew existed as I grip him tightly, clutching at his shirt.

His lips are soft and warm against mine, moving in sync with a long-awaited passion to be unleashed. The forest around us fades away as we become lost in each other beneath the moonlight. I run my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to me as the world around us disappears.

I’ve never felt this insatiable desire to break all the boundaries before.

A low moan escapes my lips as our bodies press together, my skin tingling with electricity. Cameron responds by intensifying the kiss, claiming every inch of my mouth for himself. His tongue dances with mine, sending electric shocks down my spine as I lose myself in the moment, committing to memory the sweet taste of him and the way his hands feel as they hold us together.

And then, he slows our kiss, gently teasing my lower lip with his before trailing his mouth away from mine, planting soft kisses along my cheekbone and then my jawline, nearly bringing me to my knees.

Just when I think I might collapse from the intensity of it all, he pulls away, letting out a shaky breath and clearing his throat in the most endearingly awkward way. “We should probably head inside.”

We walk the rest of the way in silence, and I bite back the smile as he steals glances at me every so often.

However, with every step I take, the reality of what we’ve just done sets in.

We crossed a line, and I’m not sure that we can come back from it...

And as much as I loved the moment, I’m already feeling like I might’ve just ruined my career.

Chapter Sixteen


The moment the Wi-Fi turns on, I reach for my phone and slip out into the night.

Nila’s been taking a bath for nearly an hour—and all I can think about is the fact that I might have messed up.

But it was the best kiss of my life...

And she started it.

I think.

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