Page 49 of Penalty of Love

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I swallow hard, hovering close to Cameron, breathing in the scent of his cologne. There’s something about being near him that makes me feel safe. But maybe it’s the fact that we’re in a room full of potentially unstable people that I feel the need to hover more than usual.

We grab a plate and make our way down the buffet of warm, delicious-looking food before finding an empty seat at a table with a man and a woman. They have a chair in between them.

“Mind if we sit here?” Cameron keeps his voice light.

“Sure,” the woman with long, dark hair says. She’s easily got fifteen years on us, but she’s as beautiful as ever. Although her dark eyes are troubled. “I’m Hal.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say as she catches my eye. “Nila.”

“That’s a unique name,” the man with blond hair says to me. He’s closer to my age, probably in his early thirties. “I like it. I’m Samuel.”


“You’re the hockey player.” Samuel’s eyes run up and down Cameron in a way that causes me to pause. It’s as if he’s sizing him up—and I don’t like that. But then he smiles. “You’re really good.”

“Thanks,” Cameron says, digging his fork into a piece of steak.

“Are you liking it here so far?” Hal asks me, smiling.

“Yeah,” I tell her. I don’t know why I’m being so stiff. Maybe it’s the way the dining room feels so formal with its white tablecloths and floral centerpieces.

Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m leery of the reason why everyone else is here.

“You’re staying in the cabin with him?” Samuel asks me, his eyes lingering on my face.

“Yeah,” I answer, swallowing hard.

“I heard you’re not here for the program.”

“I’m not,” I admit with a shrug. “I’m just here—”

“For support,” Cameron finishes for me.

I nod, seeing what he’s doing. I can tell he’s uneasy, and I am, too, for reasons I can’t really explain. “It’s true.”

Samuel chuckles, mumbling something under his breath.

“Ignore him,” Hal mouths.

I look up at Cameron and he gives me a knowing glance. We’re about to dine and dash this thing. Both of us eat quickly, scarfing down our food so fast that I don’t even taste it.

And fifteen minutes later, we’re bidding the two of them goodbye and slipping out of the main doors.

“That was wild.” Cameron bursts into laughter as we head down the trail toward the cabin.

I glance over my shoulder, checking to make sure no one is following us. “I don’t think people are very friendly here.”

“I think they’re angry.” Cameron chuckles. His hand brushes mine and I audibly catch my breath. “Sorry,” he mutters, looking away.

“It’s okay.” I keep my eyes straight ahead. I know that if he sees my expression, it’ll give me away. “Why didn’t you tell them the real reason I’m here?”

“Well...” Cameron’s voice comes out timid. “I saw the way that guy looked at you, Nila.”

“And how did he look at me?” I ask as we make it over the first crest, finally out of view of the main lodge. There’s nothing but trees, rocks, and moonlight now.

Cameron stops, turning back to face me. “Like you were a piece of meat.”

I nod, studying his face. “That’s how a lot of guys look at me.”

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