Page 48 of Penalty of Love

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Oh boy.


“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Why? Is that hard to believe? I don’t want to miss out on love or having a family just because I’m too busy chasing my dreams.”

His words catch me off guard—striking a chord deep within me and stirring emotions I’ve buried under the weight of my career aspirations.

“I guess it’s not that hard to believe, just surprising to hear from you.” I can feel my heart thudding in my chest as I speak.

“And what about you, then? Do you want a family?” he asks.

I swallow hard, unsure exactly how to answer his question.

Because the truth is, before I got caught up in climbing the corporate ladder, my number one goal in life was to find love and start a family…

But then Gran died.

And I threw myself into my career to numb the pain—letting my relationships and any dreams of a family fall by the wayside.

I clutch my necklace and meet Cameron’s gaze, searching his eyes for any sign of judgment or pity. But all I find is genuine curiosity and a hint of vulnerability that mirrors my own. “I used to,” I begin slowly, testing out the words as they leave my lips. “I used to want all of that. Love, family... but life doesn’t always go as planned, does it?”

Cameron’s expression softens, his eyes holding a depth of understanding that surprises me.

“No, it doesn’t,” he quietly agrees. “But maybe it’s not too late to revisit those dreams.”

His words linger in the air between us and I find myself daring to imagine a different future—a future where love and family are once again within reach.

Maybe it’s possible to have a successful career and a family.

“You think we should go to that group dinner thing tonight?” Cameron asks me, giving me the perfect distraction.

I nod. “Yeah, let’s see who else is here.”

My arms are sore as I shrug into a sweater dress over my tights. Cameron is waiting outside the bedroom while I change, and whatever awkwardness there was when we first got here slipped away at some point.

But maybe it’s just the fact I now check the bathroom before undressing.

“You look nice,” he remarks as I step out, my purse slung over my shoulder. “Shall we go now?”

“It’s going to be a cold walk,” I say with a sigh as I shrug on my coat.

“It’ll be fine.” Cameron opens the front door for me and I step out into the night. My eyes lift to the sky, taking in the full moon.

It’s beautiful.

Everything here is.

Cameron stays quiet as we make the trek to the main lodge, and part of me wants to ask him why he’s nervous—but I don’t. He’s becoming easier for me to read, and as much as I shouldn’t, I find myself studying him closer and closer.

I can’t help but want to know him more.

“Welcome,” Tina tells us twenty minutes later as we step through the main doors. “I’m so glad you decided to join the group tonight.”

I follow Cameron, letting him lead the way into the dining hall. There are more people here than I expected—nearly twenty if I had to put a number on it. Most of them are men, which is no surprise, but a few of them are women...

And they all look up when we walk in, which instantly raises my blood pressure.

Is it because they recognize Cameron?

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