Page 8 of My Marriage Pact

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There’s a moment when our eyes meet, a flicker of something unspoken passing between us before she looks away, a faint blush tinting her face.

I clear my throat, trying to dispel the sudden tension that crackles in the air. “This movie gets more ridiculous every time I watch it.”

“I know, right? But it’s so bad, it’s good!” she teases, nudging me playfully with her elbow.

“I mean, would you actually want a guy like this?” I ask.

“A guy like what?”

“You know, the charming, cheesy romantic lead who always says the right thing at the right time…” I smirk, gesturing toward the television screen.

Emmy sits up and considers my question for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. “I used to think I did,” she begins, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. “But now … I don’t know. Maybe all those perfect lines and grand gestures are just fantasy. Maybe what I really want is someone a little more … flawed. More real. Someone who can make me laugh on my worst days and hold me close on my best days. Someone who doesn’t need cheesy lines because their actions speak volumes. Someone who knows me inside and out, flaws and all.”

I turn to look at her, really look at her, as if seeing her for the first time.

She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Emmy,” I begin, my voice barely a whisper. “I—”

Before I can finish my sentence, the doorbell rings. Emmy glances at me, her eyes searching mine for any sign of what I was about to say.

“I’ll get it,” she announces with a forced casualness, untangling herself from me and heading toward the door.

Alone on the couch, I take a deep breath to steady myself as Emmy’s muffled voice greets the delivery person and exchanges pleasantries. I can’t shake off the weight of the unspoken words hanging between us, the confession that almost slipped from my lips.

“Sorry about that,” she says, placing the bags on the coffee table. “I got too excited and ordered some ice cream, too.”

I watch as Emmy unpacks the bags, revealing a variety of flavors of ice cream in colorful tubs. The sight of her digging into the bag, searching for spoons, is both endearing and maddening. Endearing because of how effortless it is for her to make herself at home in my space, and maddening because I feel like every passing moment spent with her tugs at something deep within me.

Something I’ve kept locked away for far too long.

Chapter Three


“So what do you want to do for your birthday this year?” Emmy asks, her voice as warm and inviting as the steam rising from her chai tea latte. As she takes a sip, I can’t help but notice the perfect imprint her red lips leave on the cup.

The cozy cafe is filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, mingling with the scent of warm pastries and Emmy’s signature perfume. It’s a comforting smell.

“Well, considering my birthday’s still a few months away, I haven’t really thought about it,” I reply.

“What do you mean you haven’t thought about it? You’re turning thirty!”

“I guess I just haven’t had the time to think about it with work being so busy lately.” Though, that’s not entirely true. I have been thinking about my thirtieth birthday, but not for the same reasons…

She leans back in her chair, her eyes studying me intently. “Well, it’s time to start thinking about it! You can’t keep using work as an excuse. You need to take a break once in a while. Let loose, have some fun,” she teases playfully, her bright smile lighting up the room. “I mean, turning thirty is a big deal! Most people throw a big party or go on a trip or something to celebrate…”

I look across the table at my best friend, bathed in the soft morning light that makes her ocean eyes shimmer. She’s always been someone who finds joy in the simplest things, and birthdays are no exception. Her childlike excitement bubbles just beneath the surface—contagious and impossible to resist.

I can’t help but smile back at her and nod. “You’re right. I’ve been all work and no play for far too long. Maybe this year, I’ll do something different for my birthday. Something out of the ordinary.”

Her eyes light up with excitement. “Yes! That’s the spirit. Let’s make this birthday one to remember.”

One to remember…

There’s really only one thing that would make this birthday truly unforgettable. And I’ve been working up the courage to finally bring it up.

Emmy reaches out and touches my hand, her eyes searching mine. “Evan, are you okay? You look like you’re a million miles away.”

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