Page 6 of My Marriage Pact

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“Where are you headed? Our floor, I hope…” One of them flirts openly with me.

“Not exactly. But if you need my help with the patients, I’ll be glad to assist you,” I reply.

“Maybe we could use some help … later? In the nurse’s office?” she says brazenly.

I raise my eyebrow as the other two nurses burst out laughing.

I feel like I’m back in high school, even though—I must admit—back then, I didn’t get much attention from women. It was only after I grew up and matured that the women started gravitating toward me.

Every woman except Emmy.

She’s the only one who never stopped seeing me as a friend.

“Alright, that’s enough, ladies.” I interrupt their banter, not interested in the slightest. “Please take the patients to the upper floor.”

Once they’re gone, I take my phone out and check to see if Emmy’s answered me.

Emmy: How long have you got left of your shift? Are you super tired?

I head toward my office as I text her back.

Me: A few more hours to go. Then I’m gonna head home, take a shower, and sleep as long as I can. Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night?

Emmy: Sure. I can’t wait! My place or yours?

Me: Why don’t you come over to my place? I’ll order some food, and we can catch up. Or watch a movie or something…

Emmy: That sounds great! Can you order that cake I like with the chocolate on the inside?

I smile and answer her immediately.

Me: Whatever you want, Dolly. Anything else?

I reach my office and, just as I’m about to go in, I’m called to the emergency room again. It seems that this day, and this extremely long shift simply refuse to end.

I check my phone for another message from Emmy to lift my spirits. Just the idea of seeing her tomorrow night is enough to keep me going.

Emmy: Yes. Stop calling me Dolly!

She sends me a few laughing emojis as well so I know that she’s joking.

Me: You know I can’t do that, Dolly! Now go to sleep. I have to be in the emergency room in a minute or so, but I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!

With a heavy heart, I turn off my phone and leave it in my office.

Goodbye, Dolly.

For now.

I open the door and there she is, radiant as ever, smelling of summer and sun. She’s wearing a yellow sundress that accentuates her tanned skin; not to mention the darkness of her silky hair and the icy blue of her eyes. And, perhaps, one of my favorite things about her—red lipstick. She’s been wearing it for the longest time, and I hope she never stops.

“Ta-daaa!” she calls out, smiling widely, her hair messy, and her blue eyes just shards of icy water.

“Ta? Daaa?” I start to laugh and invite her into my apartment.

“Yes. I brought the wine you like. Two bottles!” She smiles.

“Emmy, you shouldn’t have done that. Really. I mean, I appreciate it a lot—you getting me my favorite wine and all, but I could’ve gotten it.”

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