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Something about that didn't sit right.

Something about the way Kiernan liked her toast...

Oh my God!

Spencer was instantly awake and barely managed to wrap the covers around her as she stumbled out of the room and ran into the kitchen...but it was already too late. "No, stop!" Kiernan liked her toast buttery and garlicky and she could only watch in horror as Etienne took a bite.

Chapter Eight

"STOP SMIRKING, YOU smug prick." The words burst out of Spencer the moment they were safely out of her roommate's earshot.

Etienne, already one flight of stairs ahead of her, paused mid-stride to look up at her. "There is no need to be embarrassed, brat. You are my woman, and therefore it's only natural that you are concerned about my safety." He paused. "Although, it is the second time you have done that in the span of a mere few hours." Etienne directed an inquiring look at her. "You hide it well, but..." And this was when his dark eyes gleamed. "You must care for me very much, don't you?"

"Go to hell."

But this only had her boss look at her knowingly, and it had her itching to slap the smugness off his face.

"Still..." Etienne's tone took on a slightly serious note. "We must do something about that."


"There is clearly much for you to learn about my race as my woman." As soon as Spencer reached his side, he took hold of her hand so they could descend the rest of the steps together. "I have a couple of books in my personal library that can help get you started."

"Uh huh."

"But I'll also endeavor to give you a crash course on our way to my place."


Etienne raised a brow. "You're being unusually cooperative."

"Only because there's nothing for me to argue," she muttered, "since everything you've said makes far."


Spencer bit back a sigh of relief when her boss appeared to take this at face value. Thank God. Because honestly, those words of hers were nothing but an excuse. The truth was, she had lost track of all of her thoughts the moment she realized he was holding her hand. She had been working for him for years, and not once had she seen him hold hands with any of the woman he had gone to bed with. Not a single time, and so for him to be different with her...

She glanced down at the large, strong hand still holding hers in a grip that could only be described as possessive. Was it alright for her to hope?

The hand holding hers suddenly tightened, and when she glanced up, she was startled to find that they were already at the entrance doors of her apartment building.

Etienne felt her stiffen. "It's fine," he murmured.

"It really won't hurt you?"

"See for yourself." And then they were walking out into the light.

Several moments passed, and Spencer expelled her breath when it became clear that he wasn't going to spontaneously combust anytime soon.

"Lesson #1 for you then," he murmured. "The sunlight burns my skin, but it's more an irritation than anything else. It would take hours of exposure before it does some noticeable damage."

"Got that." Seeing Etienne's familiar red coupe parked ahead of them, Spencer absently tugged her hand free and opened the the passenger door for her boss.

A few moments later, and she looked up, wondering what the hold up was about. "Is something wrong?"

Etienne's gaze was once again filled with amusement. "You tell me."

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