Page 69 of Beast

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She smiles. “Is that so? Are you going to declare your love for me? Comparing your love to the moon and the stars?”

“Beautiful, I declare my love for you each time I fill you with my cum,” I state. She rolls her eyes in response. I stroke her face. “The love I feel for you can never be compared to the moon and stars, and even the world or the entire fucking universe still isn’t enough. The love I feel for you is infinity. It’s endless. There is no ending to it, and there never fucking will be,” I tell her.

Her eyes become glossy with emotion. “You know, that was actually beautiful. Especially for an outlaw biker. In fact, I would say that it is even more romantic than what you said back at the safe house.” She smiles softly.

I kiss her soft lips. “That’s me beautiful, Mr. Romantic,” I say between kisses. “Now, how about I fill you with all my love again?”



It’s been just over 6 weeks since that night. The police put what happened to Bobby’s house as gang warfare, what with the doctor videoing shit and the sea of dead bodies in his house. The plus side was that the fire crew managed to put the house fire out, and we were able to cremate what was left of Bobby. It was a brutal thing to do, but necessary for Belle and the rest of the club to move on without suspicion. Scar was out of hospital within a week. I think he drove the staff insane, and they ended up kicking him out. Buzz took longer to recover, but he’s good and back fighting fit, all thanks to Dixie. They both would have died if it wasn’t for her.

“You sure you want to do this?” I ask Belle as we stand at the edge of the lake.

She nods as she holds out the jar, sprinkling Bobby’s ashes. “Say hi to Mom for me,” she says softly. I wrap my arm around her, holding her close. “He loved this place. He would bring us here for our family time. No work, just us,” she sighs.

I give her arm a little squeeze. “I’m sorry darlin’, but we need to go, or we will be late,” I state, looking at my watch. She nods.

“Can’t keep them all waiting.” She smiles as she wipes her face. I place a soft kiss on her lips. “Come on, or Star will lose her mind.”

I take her hand in mine and lead her back to my bike. “I don’t give a shit. It was important for you to do this today. She can kiss my ass,” I grumble.

“She’s put in a lot of effort, is all,” she defends. I hand her the helmet. “I told you I’m not wearing it. It will ruin my hair,” she argues.

“So will your brains splattered all over the fucking road. You wore it on the way here, you can wear it on the way back. Your hair looks fine,” I argue. She huffs and takes the helmet. I climb on my bike, and she hitches up her dress before swinging her leg over. “Careful how you’re swinging your leg over there, beautiful. I don’t want everyone seeing what’s mine,” I warn.

“Just ride,” she snaps.

I grin. “Yes, dear,” I tease. She wraps her hands around my waist, giving me a little slap.

We arrive at the club, and Star is stood there with her arms folded across her chest, tapping her toe impatiently. “Told you she would be upset,” Belle hisses behind me.

She climbs off the bike, removing her helmet. “Star, I’m sorry, but I had to scatter his ashes today,” Belle explains.

Star softens. “It’s fine, I get it. But really, you had to wear a helmet?” She sighs. Belle gives me a look and I hold my hands up in surrender. “I might have known it was the overprotective biker. Come on. Josie can quickly sort it,” Star says as she grabs Belle’s hand. She pauses and turns to me. “And you get in there. Everyone is waiting,” she snaps.

I sigh and walk around the side of the club where everyone is stood around chatting. All the brothers are wearing black jeans, with white T-shirts and their cuts. It’s the smartest you’ll ever fucking see a bunch of outlaws. Hawk looks in my direction, spotting me.

“Fucking here he is!” he yells. My brothers all turn around to look at me and cheer.

Ghost walks up to me, handing me a bottle of whiskey. I take it and down a large gulp. “Shit, that hits the spot.” I cough.

Ghost laughs and slaps my back. “Figured you may want something strong.”

“Come on! Sort yourselves out!” Queenie yells from behind us.

We all move, and a few brothers begin muttering and grumbling. “She okay?” Ghost asks.

“Yeah, she held it together pretty well considering,” I state.

“She’s a strong woman. She can handle a lot.” Ghost nods.

I raise my brow at him. “She ain’t a fucking thoroughbred horse.”

Ghost’s lips twitch, fighting a smile.

“Excuse me, but its time,” the guy in front says. I nod and he gives the signal. The notes of ‘Love You To Death’ by Type O Negative starts playing.

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