Page 67 of Beast

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“Fine, but Beast asked, and I was only answering his question. It’s what we all feel,” Rage defends.

I stand and grab my plate. “It’s okay, I can eat in the bedroom. I don’t want you all to feel angry when you are trying to relax and eat dinner,” I state.

“Thanks.” Rage nods.

“Rage!” Dixie chastises.

“Rage, I swear, I will launch myself across the table and knock you the fuck out,” Beast threatens.

“Belle, sit the fuck down,” Ghost growls.

I sit instantly.

“Beast, calm the fuck down,” Ghost orders. “We are sitting as a family, eating this fucking delicious meal. Yes, your face upsets us darlin’, because it shouldn’t have happened. We are pissed at Charlie and ourselves for it happening. That’s for us to deal with, not you,” Ghost explains. “Now, can we please eat like a normal dysfunctional family?” he snaps.

I give Ghost a small smile and nod. Beast grabs my hand, kissing my palm. “Eat,” he orders, pointing to my plate.

“I swear, if we weren’t sat having dinner, I would be on my knees beneath this table giving you the best b-l-o-w j-o-b of your damn life,” Star tells Ghost.

“Jesus Christ Star, you know we can all spell, right?” Maggie laughs.

Star looks to Maggie. “I know. I was being considerate to the babies.” She shrugs.

Ghost places down his knife and fork and stands. “Queenie, watch Enzo,” he requests. “Woman, move your ass to that bedroom,” he orders Star.

Star wipes the corners of her mouth with the napkin, smiling like the cheshire cat. “Excuse me for moment,” she says with a smile as she stands. Ghost takes her hand and drags her out of the room.

Hawk raises his glass. “Here’s to happy couples and dysfunctional families. We may always be fucking, and if we ain’t fucking, we are fighting.” He laughs.

“Hawk, the babies,” Queenie chastises.

He winces. “Sorry, baby girl. Don’t listen to Daddy. You ain’t ever going to be fucking no one, because I will kill anyone that tries,” he coos to Maisy. She just laughs and flaps her arms happily.

“Hawk, don’t say things like that,” Josie sighs.

“What? She’s happy. She loves her daddy.” He shrugs.

Beast turns to me. “We can go back and eat in the bedroom if this is too much,” he suggests.

I look at him and smile, shaking my head. “No, this is perfect. It’s exactly what I need.”



It’s been 2 weeks since that day, and I’ve not left her side. We went back to mine around 10 days ago. I had told Ghost and the brothers about what had happened with Bobby not being her biological dad. It was decided that we would ask Belle what she wanted to do with Bobby’s business, even though we had already made a deal with the Satan’s. Ghost thought it was only right before the plans went ahead. She agreed and liked that we had made a deal with the Satan’s, keeping it about family. I didn’t go into the club’s history of hating each other before Cash and Maggie got together.

“If you need me to stay, I will. Just say the word,” I tell her as I grab my cut. I’m about to leave her for the first time to meet the Satan’s and hand them the details and contacts that they need.

She huffs. Getting off the couch, she saunters over. Leaning up on her tip toes, she places a soft kiss on my lips. “Go, I will be fine,” she says, practically shoving me out the door.

“Okay,” I say, and she stops. I tuck her hair back behind her ear, stroking my thumb gently over her faded bruises. “I won’t be long. I’ve got my cell,” I state before taking her mouth. I break the kiss with a frustrated growl before walking out the front door and down the steps to my bike. “Lock the door,” I yell at her. She nods with a smile, leaning against the door frame, waving as I ride off.

I ride through the neighbouring town to meet up with the rest of the club at the gas station. “You took your time. What were you doing? Fucking?” Hawk asks.

“Brother, if I was fucking, I wouldn’t be here. I would be back home balls deep in my woman,” I state.

“Ahh, still no sex then.” Hawk laughs.

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