Page 65 of Beast

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My chest heaves as I glare down at him.

“Untie him,” I pant. Rage and Hawk quickly untie his hands, following my order. “Take him to the bench and hold his hands out flat, palm side down,” I instruct. Rage smiles wide as they drag Charlie to the bench, splaying his hand out flat. I lift the mallet above my head and slam it down on each of his hands. Charlie screams, trying to pull away, but Hawk and Rage hold him still.

“I’m not normally one to comment on your smile Rage, but fuck, seeing you this happy warms my little heart,” Hawk sighs.

I ignore Hawk’s remark and drop the mallet to the floor. I grab a blade and stand behind Charlie. Grabbing his hair tightly, I yank his head back to my chest so it’s tilted up. Rage and Hawk step back as I hold Charlie up and press the blade against his neck.

“Are you ready to meet the reaper?” I growl in his ear.

“But, but, I’m her father,” Charlie rasps, his face scrunching up in agony.

“I don’t give a shit. You hit her, you beat her, and you had her chained up. No father, no fucking man, deserves to be able to breathe the same fucking air as her,” I seethe.

Charlie pants. “You’ll regret this,” he says in a pathetic voice.

“No, I will never regret this,” I spit as I slice the blade through his neck. He gargles and makes choking sounds as blood pours from his neck and mouth. His body twitches as it fights to try and breathe. I keep hold of him, watching the panic and fear in his eyes. “Give my regards to the reaper, you fucking cunt,” I growl in his ear as his body stills and the life drains from his eyes. I take a step back, dropping his corpse to the floor. I turn to look at my brothers and see Ghost standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

He lifts his chin. “You’re good, brother. We burned the house to the ground, no comebacks.” I nod and leave, needing to be with her. Covered in blood, I storm over to the house.

Walking in, I hear Josie and Maggie gasp. I ignore them and head straight to our room. Opening the door, Queenie, Dixie, and Star turn to face me, their eyes taking in my claret covered clothes.

“Do you think you should shower first?” Queenie asks softly.

“No, leave us,” I state coldly. They don’t protest, and nodding, they leave. I remove my clothes and climb into bed with her, pulling her into my arms. I lay there, staring up at the ceiling, letting her scent, her presence, calm me, soothing away the anger and fear. When I saw her hanging there cuffed, I thought she was fucking dead. I close my eyes, inhaling a deep breath before I place a soft kiss on her head. “No one will ever hurt you again. I will slaughter anyone that even tries,” I promise.



I wake up feeling too hot. Opening my eyes, I find Beast holding me, his arms and legs wrapped around me, holding me close to him like I’m about to disappear. My face hurts, a lot. Even just opening my eyes is painful, but seeing him asleep, looking so peaceful, I don’t want to disturb him, no matter how uncomfortable I am. I was a wreck last night. He was there for me, he held me, and he didn’t let me go. Through the entire nightmare, he was the only thing I thought of, the only person I was scared I wouldn’t see again.

He groans, stretching his body, his arms tightening around me before his eyes blink open.

“Hi,” I greet him softly. He moves and rolls me onto my back, his arms carefully caging me beneath him. Leaning on his elbow, his index finger gently trails along my hair line, his eyes following the trail. “I know. I must look horrific right now,” I mumble.

He frowns. “Look at me, beautiful,” he demands. I look up at him. “You don’t look horrific. You are still the most beautiful woman I have ever met. My beautiful woman,” he growls. I smile slightly. “You ready to tell me what happened?” he asks.

I shake my head no. “Charlie?” I ask.

“Dead,” he answers sharply.

“Did you…?” I ask, not wanting to say the last part of the question.

“Yeah darlin’, I did. I made him pay. I made him suffer for what he did to you.” He pauses. “I’m sorry if that makes you hate me, but I would do it again and again. No one hurts you like this and gets to live,” he declares.

“I don’t hate you. I didn’t really like Charlie much,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

“He said he was your dad,” he states.

I look away. “He wasn’t,” I answer softly.

“You in pain? Need some meds?” he asks, sensing that I don’t want to talk about Charlie right now.

I nod. “Yeah, and I need to pee,” I add.

He smiles. “Come on, beautiful,” he says, climbing off me. He stands at the side of the bed before I have a chance to get up. He then leans down and scoops me up in his arms, carrying me to the bathroom.

“My legs still work fine, you know,” I protest.

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