Page 52 of Beast

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“Sweetheart, you are forgetting I am a very rich man. I can pay for the best care.” He smiles.

“You still haven’t answered my question of where you will go?” I ask again.

“If I fake my death, there must be no sign of me anywhere in this country. I would have to leave. I’m thinking somewhere hot and sunny. Somewhere they can’t touch me.”

I place my plate down on the side. “So, you’ve been absent from my life by being in prison, and now you’re telling me that you are leaving the country for good. So, I will never see you again?!” I snap.

He gives me a sad smile. “It’s for the best. It means you stay safe. It means the dangers that keep coming for me will keep away for good. You can then live out your life however you want, without the mob life hanging over your head.”

I shake my head. “I’ve never been afraid of the life, and I’ve never protested it. So why would I start now?” I counter.

“Because if you are to start a family with Beast, then you will never want this life hanging over you or your child’s head.”

I look away, knowing he has a point. There’s a tap at the door and Beast sticks his head in. “You wanted to talk to me?” he asks, looking past me to my dad.

“Yeah, Belle. Give us a minute,” Dad demands.

I nod and stand. Beast lightly grabs my hand as I pass, giving it the lightest of touch before letting go. I smile and close the door behind me before I press my ear up against the door, listening to what they say.



I stand there, staring down at Bobby. I’m not intimidated by what he has to say. Belle is mine and nothing he can say or do will change that.

“There’s no need to be so defensive, Beast,” Bobby says, waving his hand at me. “You’re stood like you’re ready for battle.”

“No offence Bobby, but if you’re about to demand I stop seeing Belle, I’m going to tell you that ain’t going to happen. Not now, not fucking ever,” I growl.

Bobby laughs. “I ain’t stupid, boy. Now, before we talk properly.” He pauses, placing his index finger over his lips, shushing me. He then points to the door. I frown and walk to the door and open it. Belle stumbles in, falling against my chest.

“Oh,” she stutters. “Err.” I smile wide.

“You eavesdropping, beautiful?” I ask her.

“Some things never change. She used to do it when she was little, outside my office.” Bobby laughs.

“You knew about that?” she asks.

“Sweetheart, I’m your father, of course I knew,” Bobby says, shaking his head. “But now, I need you to let me and Beast here talk man to man. It’s important,” Bobby tells her.

She nods. “Sorry Dad,” she apologises.

She steps back and shuts the door, closing it behind her. After a moment, I reopen it and make sure she’s gone. “We good?” I ask Bobby as I turn to face him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He smirks. “No need to approach me so defensively. I’m not about to give you shit.”

I don’t uncross my arms. I just raise my brow, waiting. “I ain’t stupid, Bobby. I’m fucking your daughter. If I was in your position, I would be threatening my ass,” I state.

“Firstly, you say that you’re fucking my daughter again, I will slit your damn throat. I know you are serious about her, and I know she is serious about you. That is why I am being nice. Do not mistake me being in this hospital bed as a weakness. It doesn’t mean that you can take the fucking piss. I still have the power to destroy you,” Bobby threatens.

“I mean no disrespect, Bobby. I am merely stating the fucking obvious. Your daughter is mine. I don’t plan on ever letting her go, and I will fight anyone that will get in our way. You included,” I counter. “I’m not stupid. I know what you plan on doing, and I’m telling you right fucking now, you can fake your own death, you can leave the country and never return, but Belle stays with me,” I warn.

He smiles. “You know, I saw it when you came to the prison to see me that day. I saw the way she looked at you. I saw that when she ran off upset, you were the only one to go after her. I don’t want her to come with me. I want you to take care of her for me. I want you to promise me that no matter what, you lay down your fucking life for her. She is the only thing in my entire world that I give a shit about.”

I nod. “That is a request that you didn’t need to voice. I would wrestle the devil himself for her. I would sell him my fucking soul if it kept her safe, because my life wouldn’t be worth living if she wasn’t in it.”

Bobby nods. “That is all I have ever wanted for her.”

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