Page 22 of Beast

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I frown. “I don’t know what you want me to spill?” I shrug.

They all groan and roll their eyes. “Beast! What is going on with you guys?” she adds.

I shake my head. “Nothing. He likes to tease and provoke me, then just leaves. Walks off and leaves me stood there feeling like a complete idiot,” I complain.

“Wait, wait a minute. I feel like we will need a shot for this,” Star says, taking the shots off the tray and passing them around the table. We all apart from Dixie down our shots, wincing and near gagging from the strength of them. “Okay, now you need to elaborate. Tell us everything,” Star demands.

I down the last of my margarita and start explaining, all the way from the beginning. They open their mouths in shock at some parts, laughing and nodding along. “So, that’s it. I am left completely confused and sexually frustrated,” I say at the end.

“Oh, you are his,” Dixie states. They all nod in agreement.

“How? I’ve had more interaction with a barista getting coffee than I have with Beast,” I argue.

“Girl, if that’s how you’re ordering coffee, then you are doing it wrong.” Star snorts.

We laugh. “You know what I mean!” I defend.

Star places down her drink. “Look, here is the thing. Until you give in to their way of things, you ain’t going to get it. But bottom line, I think he wants you to feel what he feels. Then you will see a difference,” she adds.

“That’s true. He’s been knocked back a couple of times. Maybe this time he just wants to be sure you feel the same?” Dixie asks.

“What do you mean he’s been knocked back?” I ask, because I don’t believe for a second that Beast has ever been turned down by a woman.

Dixie gives Josie a side glance. “He asked you out?” I ask Josie.

She nods. “Yeah, but it wasn’t like anything serious. It never happened,” she clarifies.

“I think at some point or another, Beast has asked one of us out or flirted the suggestion. It’s just who he is.” Dixie shrugs.

I pick up the jug and pour myself another drink, then knock it back. I stand, swaying slightly on my feet. “Well, then that just confirms that apparently, he is just being who he is. It’s nothing serious, so that means I can stop worrying about it and enjoy this night. Now, who is coming to dance?” I ask. I walk towards the dancefloor, not waiting for their answer. They soon join me, and we dance doing silly moves and laughing so much.

After a while, I take a break and go to the bathroom. Once I’ve finished, I wash my hands and look at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed from dancing and my eyes are alight with amusement, and the alcohol definitely has something to do with it. I swing the door open and make my way back to the main bar. Scrolling through my phone, not looking where I am going, I suddenly stumble right into someone.

“Ouch,” I mutter. Hands grab my waist to keep me from falling backwards. I look up and realise I’ve walked right into the guy from across the bar. I smile. “I am so sorry,” I apologise.

He smiles, his teeth perfectly white. “No need to apologise,” he says smoothly.

I tuck my hair back behind my ear. “I, um, still sorry. I should have been looking where I was going instead of staring down at my phone,” I add.

“I’m sure it was an important message. Your boyfriend know you are out tonight looking like that?” he asks.

I blanch. “Excuse me?” I ask, snapping.

He lets out a laugh and shakes his head. “I don’t mean anything by it. I mean, when you and your friends go out dressed like you are, you are going to attract attention. I’m just saying that if I was your boyfriend, I wouldn’t allow you to go out dressed like that. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you, and I wouldn’t want other guys looking at you, thinking they could have you,” he says, still trying to be smooth, but it doesn’t work on me.

I let out a sarcastic laugh. “You think you could have me because of what I am wearing?”

He chuckles and shrugs. “Oh sweetheart, a woman doesn’t wear what you and your friends are wearing, if they didn’t want guys like me making a play. Women wear what they wear to tell me and other men that they want it, too.” He winks, like what he’s saying is supposed to be flirty.

I smile. “You know what? When I saw you from across the bar, I thought you were perfect. Perfect hair, face, teeth and build, but up close, I can see that your teeth are veneers, your hair is dyed, and your natural tan is out of a bottle. Now, if you would excuse me, my friends are waiting,” I snap, moving to push past him.

He grabs my arm and shoves me against the wall. “Listen here, you can’t come in here wearing something like that, and not expect a man to take something. It is false advertising. Now, you going to give me what I am entitled to?” he sneers. Leaning forward, he runs his tongue along my neck.

I try to push him off me, but he doesn’t move. I lift my leg quickly and bring my knee up hard, connecting it with his nuts. He groans and falls to the floor, clutching his balls. “You touch me again, I will stamp my stiletto heel right through your balls. Fucking creep!” I yell. Before I storm off back to the bar, as if she was able to read my mind, Star’s smile falls. She takes one look at me, and then her eyes travel behind me to the guy walking while wincing, holding his balls. “Leave it,” I snap.

“What did he do?” she asks.

I pick up my drink and down it. “Implied that I’m, well, we are all dressed like this, because we are asking for it. That he is entitled to take what he wants,” I rush out in between downing more of my drink. “He didn’t do anything. He just licked my neck. I kicked him in the balls and told him to do one,” I explain.

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