Page 20 of Beast

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“Of course, your daddy is a big old mob boss, so you’ve had this overbearing protective bullshit your entire life,” Star says. “You should talk to Maggie, she’s a biker brat. She ran and left her family for a guy; he was a douche. Things didn’t work out so great there, well, until she met Cash. Unfortunately for Enzo, he will have the same from me, because no women will ever be good enough for him and poor Maisy is screwed. She will never find a guy these guys will accept.” She snorts. I smile and nod in agreement. She stands. “Right, I will leave you alone. Just remember, it’s a top secret mission. No one must know about ‘Operation ol’ladies untamed’.” She winks before closing the door.

I sigh and curl up in bed. I grab my cell and open up the messages to Beast, my fingers hovering over the keys to message him. But what do I say? He knows I want him, and I won’t beg. He knows where I am, and he has my number too, so he can text me first.

I place my phone back down and roll over, staring at the blank wall until I fall asleep. I awake in the middle of the night, feeling wide awake. It’s my fault for sleeping on and off all day. I grab my phone to see if he’s text. He hasn’t. I wonder what he’s doing right now, who he is with, if he is fucking anyone? Or is he laid in bed thinking the same thoughts as me? I groan and decide sod it.

Belle: So you kiss and then leave without a word.

I hit send and stare at my phone and wait. It’s nearly 3 am. He’s probably asleep.

My phone pings with a reply.

Beast: There were words. Spider says hi.

I can almost hear the snide way he says it through his text. I type my reply quickly.

Belle: Well, maybe Spider would do more than kiss me and play mind games. Tell Spider to give me a knock when you get back.

He’s pissing me off so much, I stab my finger down on the send button a little too hard.

Beast: You didn’t listen. You are mine.

I huff and shove my face into the pillow, letting out a scream of anger and frustration.

Belle: I am no one’s! You cannot own me. I am not someone to be owned by anyone. Especially you.

I snap and hit send before dropping my phone on my lap. I punch my pillow a few times to release the anger building within me.

Beast: You are right, I don’t own you. Yet.

Belle: Go fuck yourself.

I then switch my phone off and chuck it on the bedside table. Turning over, I wait for sleep to come. It takes me a while, as I’m so angry and I replay many scenarios in my head of me telling Beast exactly what I think of him.

I don’t switch my phone on for the next few days. He wants to play games? I am stubborn and I can give anyone the silent treatment, until the end of time if necessary.

Sitting outside on one of the benches reading in the warm sunshine, a shadow catches my attention. I look up to see one of the prospects stood there, looking anxious. I place my book down and lift my sunglasses up to rest on my head.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Sorry, this is for you,” he says, handing me a phone. I take it, confused. I look down at the screen and see Beast on video call.

“What the hell?” I snap.

“Hey, beautiful.” He smiles. Damn, hearing his deep voice and seeing that smile gives my stomach a flutter. I pull down my sunglasses, not responding. “You’re still giving me the silent treatment I see.” He smirks. “You missed me?” he asks. I scoff and shake my head, which makes him smile wider. “I know you have darlin’, otherwise you would have disconnected this call 20 seconds ago,” he adds.

I snap. “Miss you? Miss you? What is there to miss? Your mind games? The fact that you say I’m yours without actually doing anything to back that up? I’m supposed to just say, ‘oh yes sir, anything for you sir’,” I say with a sarcastic, squeaky voice. “Look, let’s just call an end to this bullshit. If you wanted to sleep with me, you would have. I don’t need a pity fuck, and I don’t like being played, so you can just go back to your bunny fucking, and I will, well, while I’m stuck in this place, go back to my vibrator.” I sigh.

“Not happening,” he states firmly.

I groan in frustration. “Oh my god! Just drop it already. I am not a toy. If you wanted me, then you had your chance. You chose not to take it. Now just leave me alone and move on.”

“Darlin’, you still don’t get it. You are mine,” he growls low, like a warning.

I roll my eyes. “Okay whatever, I’m yours, sure. You just keep telling yourself that in your little delusional mind. We haven’t dated, and we haven’t done more than exchanged a barely better than average kiss,” I lie. “We aren’t married, we haven’t even gone to second base. I am not yours, you are not mine, and we are not a thing,” I rant.

“Stop lying. I felt you come apart when we kissed. I know you want me to fuck you, and I will, but only when you get it,” he states cryptically.

“Get what?!” I yell, frustrated.

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