Page 19 of Beast

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I open my mouth to say he’s it, but I can’t. He smiles. “I...” I frown. “I don’t understand. You will fuck that girl the other night, but you won’t fuck me?” I ask.

“I didn’t fuck her,” he states.

“What?” I ask.

“I didn’t fuck her. After I saw you in the kitchen that night, I went back to bed and sent her home. I haven’t slept with anyone since before you arrived,” he admits.

“Uh,” I stutter. “So, you’ve not slept with anyone for what, a week?!” Snap. “Woah, now that is a real declaration of devotion. I don’t think I’ve ever been so flattered,” I mock.

“Watch your mouth, darlin’,” he warns.

I frown. “Or you’ll what? Deny me sex? Punish me? Tease me?” I scoff. “Well, hate to tell you this, but you’re kind of already doing it.”

“Goodnight, beautiful,” he says before he kisses my forehead and walks out of my room.

My mouth hangs open. “What is wrong with you?!” I yell. I walk to the hall and yell after him “Fine! Fuck you! And you know what, I’m going to masturbate tonight, and I won’t be thinking of you! I will be thinking of Spider! You hear me as I orgasm, I will be thinking of your brother!” I yell.

One of the doors opens and Spider is standing there shirtless, leaning on the frame. “Easy darlin’, if you want me that bad, I can be the one to give you that orgasm.” He winks. I scream and walk back into my room and slam the door.



I didn’t go down to dinner that night. I was too angry. Instead, I put my headphones on and listened to Alanis Morrissette. Somehow, she hits the feminine rage just right. I notice my door opening and quickly sit up, ready to give Beast shit. I’m pissed off, now sexually frustrated, and well, hurt. I relax though when I see it’s Star.

I remove my headphones. “Hey,” I say, giving her a flat smile.

She sits next to me. “So, I heard things got a little heated,” she states.

I groan. “I know. I made a fool of myself yelling after him like that, but he just makes me so angry.”

“Oh, no need to explain. I get it. We all do, and I know these guys can be difficult. I mean, you’ve got one of the easier ones. I thought Ghost was the worst, but then I think that Dixie needs some sort of medal to make it work with Rage, but then she is his and vice versa. They just work.” She shrugs.

“Appreciate this, but it’s different. Beast and I aren’t an item. Apart from a kiss, there is nothing,” I explain.

She bursts out laughing. “Oh fuck, you are a nice woman, but fuck you are stupid.”

“Thanks,” I mutter.

“No, no.” She laughs “I mean, you are stupid if you think there is nothing going on between Beast and you. He is by your side any chance he gets, he touches you whenever he can. I mean, I can practically see his hard-on for you from here, and he’s currently across state.” She chuckles, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean across state?” I ask.

“He’s on a job for the next couple of weeks. It’s right over the other side of the state,” she explains.

“What? Why didn’t he say?” I ask.

Star shrugs. “I don’t know, but listen, me and the girls have been thinking. How do you feel about a night out next weekend?” she asks.

I shrug. “Sure. Why not this weekend?” I ask, confused.

“Because I have to make sure I do it when Ghost isn’t here. As of next week, the only brothers that will be here are the prospects. Now, I know we have to keep you safe, blah blah blah, but we will go into the next town over, all dressed up. Not cuts. No one will know we are from the club. Dixie will drive, as she has volunteered to be the driver. It will be good. You can let your hair down without the overprotective men around to tell us what to do. What do you say?” she asks.

I smile wide. “This is exactly what I need. I’m in.”

“Good, but just don’t mention it to anyone. Queenie is babysitting here and she’s going to slip a couple of her sleeping pills into the prospects’ drinks. It will knock them out for a couple of hours. We will go out, drink like we are college students, dance like no one is watching, and have fun without these overbearing bikers watching over us. No one will be none the wiser.” She beams excitedly.

“I can’t wait. I haven’t snuck out for a night out since I lived at home with my father.” I laugh. “Man, those were fun times. I got caught every single time, but the punishment was worth it.”

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