Page 17 of Beast

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“Oh god!” I moan loudly, my muscles tightening as if he’s stood right next to me. I hear his orders in my head. “Let it go. Come for me.” That’s all it takes as my orgasm erupts. “Fuck! Oh my god,” I moan. My body jolts and my muscles twitch as my pleasure subsides. After a moment, I open my eyes and sigh before I switch off the vibrator and place it on the floor of the bathroom and then finish showering. The entire time I keep looking at the wall, wondering if he heard, and hoping that he did.

I don’t bother drying my hair. I style it in a loose plait and put on my pyjama’s and climb into bed. I lay there for a moment, staring at my bedroom door, waiting to see if he will show. He doesn’t.

I wake the next morning and stretch out, yawning. I look on the bedside table for my phone to check the time. I frown and rub my eyes before I shoot up to sit when I see what’s on my bedside table. My vibrator. I didn’t put it there. I forgot about it and left it on the bathroom floor. I pick it up and look around my room, like Beast could hide in this small room.

My cell pings next to me, and as I pick it up, I see it’s a text from Beast.

Beast: Good morning, beautiful.

I frown and look around my room. Are there cameras in here?

Belle: How do you know I’m awake?!

I rub my face again, just in case this is a dream. Wait a minute.

Belle: How did you get my number, and your number is stored in my phone!

He came in my room when I was asleep. He stored his number on my phone and picked up my vibrator. What in the hell?

Beast: You were making some interesting noises last night, so I came in to make sure you were okay. You were asleep. So I put my number in your phone for emergencies.

I read his message and shake my head as I type my reply.

Belle: Will you stop just coming into my room uninvited!

Beast: I will always come in your room if I think something isn’t right.

I huff and throw my hand up. There is no reasoning with this man! Before I can type a reply, my phone pings again.

Beast: Do you often scream to God?

I frown. What is he on about?

Belle: ???

Beast: Last night, when you masturbated.

My cheeks heat. He heard. He heard me in the shower. Now I know he actually heard me, I’m not so sure I am happy about it. I feel embarrassed.

Beast: Did you do it thinking of me?

My eyes go wide. He’s so brazen. I don’t know what to reply. I just sit there, staring down at my phone.

Beast: Answer me.

My fingers hover over the keys, wondering what to respond. Do I put yes? It was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had. Or do I deny everything? That I was just watching porn, no big deal.

Belle: No, I wasn’t.

I sigh and lay back down. I switch my phone off pull the covers over my head. Maybe I can just rot in bed all day today and forget about the big guy on the other side of that wall.

After hiding under my covers for a few hours, just sleeping, reading and resisting the urge to pick up my phone, I decide I can’t hide in my room forever, as I was by this point starving. I open the door slightly and peer through the tiny gap, making sure that no one, especially Beast, is there. Happy that I can’t see anyone, I creep out of my room and make my way to the kitchen. I can hear voices come from the bar area, but I just want to grab some food, and then scurry back into my room.

I push the kitchen door open and head straight to the fridge. It’s after lunch now and everyone should be off doing their own things. I open the fridge and see a plate with sandwiches. On top of the wrap is a post-it note saying, “For Belle! Do not touch!” I smile and rip it open, moaning at the taste. Damn, I didn’t realise how hungry I actually was. I then grab a bag of chips, 2 bottles of water, and a chocolate muffin. Piling it high, I quickly scurry back to my room. I sigh once I shut the door behind me, thankful that I didn’t have to run into Beast. I pull out my laptop and decide to watch a movie while I stuff my face in bed. The day has actually worked out well.

The sound of things being moved around wakes me, and I open my eyes to see Beast moving my laptop off my lap. “Hey!” I yell, reaching out to snatch it back.

He places it on the chair and sits next to me on the bed. He smiles as his thumb swipes something off my cheek. “Chocolate,” he says before he places his thumb in his mouth.

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