Page 12 of Beast

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“Miss, why is he here?” one of the students asks, pointing to Beast sat in the corner of the room.

“He is assessing my lessons,” I answer.

“Why?” she presses.

“Because, he is. Now, if we can turn to page 235,” I try to continue.

“But it’s weird. He’s just sat watching you. Is he your boyfriend?” she asks, causing the other students to laugh. I look over to Beast who gives me a wink. I pinch the bridge of my nose. This is going to be hell.

“Okay, enough with the questions. This is biology and today’s lesson is about the reproductive system,” I say as I write it on the board.

“Oh Miss! This is basic stuff,” one of the students protests.

“I know, but your tests cover everything you have ever learned, and you must be prepared for that, so let’s start with an easy one. Give me some names of the male and female reproductive system,” I say as I separate the categories. I turn around and notice Zack is laughing and joking with his friends, not paying attention. “Zack, clearly you know all there is to know, so why don’t you teach the rest of the class?” I call out, folding my arms across my chest.

Zack smirks. “Miss, I can show you my reproductive parts any time,” he mocks.

I’m about to answer, but Beast is up from his chair and standing over Zack in a split second, his hand gripping the back of Zack’s neck. “You better watch your mouth, you little maggot dick. You show some damn respect to your teacher, and keep the shrimp in your pants, or I will feed it to the fucking sharks,” he threatens. Zack sniffles and practically shits himself.

“MR. SMITH!” I yell at the top of my lungs. Beast’s head snaps up, his eyes landing on me. “Outside now!” I bark.

Beast lets go of Zack’s neck and holds his hands up in surrender, before following me to the door. “Yeah man, that’s what I thought! You get those paws off me. My dad will make sure you are finished,” Zack threatens.

That’s it. I’m out of a job.

Beast turns and steps close to Zack. He leans down closely and whispers something in his ear. I watch as Zack pales, his eyes going wide.

“Good boy,” Beast says before turning back to follow me outside to the hall. I slam the door closed and turn to face Beast, his eyes full of amusement.

“What is wrong with you?! They are kids. They are 15! You cannot lay your hands on kids! Jesus, this is my job, my career! Do you understand? I have worked hard for this job. I work hard for those kids,” I rant, pacing back and forth.

Beast grabs my hand and pulls me to the wall. He turns his body, pinning me against it. “I didn’t hurt him. There is no mark, and I would never hurt a kid. Never. Although, if that dipshit keeps running his mouth like that, he may be the exception. I’m sorry for causing you this stress, but I’m not sorry for reacting the way I did. I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting you,” he states. “Now, let’s get back in there, and you can teach a lesson about dicks and pussy.” He winks before placing a kiss on my forehead. He then ushers me back into the classroom. I stumble slightly and wonder what the hell just happened.

I shake my head. “Er, um, hands. Where were we?” I ask, confused.

“Reproductive organs, Miss,” one of the students answer.

“Right.” I nod and continue to teach them, thankfully with no more drama. As the bell rings out at the end of the lesson, a few of the girls stop by my desk on their way out.

“Miss,” they say, looking at each other.

“Yes girls, what is it?” I ask.

“Is Mr. Smith your boyfriend? Is that why he tore Zack apart? Because that was totally romantic.” Tiffany sighs.

I smirk. Somehow, I don’t think Beast has ever heard the word romantic before. I look over to Beast who is now stood laughing and joking with some of the boys from the class. He looks over to me and gives me a wink.

“Oh my god. He is like, totally hung up on you, Miss!” Racheal squeaks.

“Okay, enough girls. Come on, get to your next class.” I smile as I usher them towards the door. Beast says goodbye to them and they all giggle while walking out the door. Beast shrugs and walks towards me. I perch on the edge of my desk. “You managed to win them around.” I smile.

He stops just in front of me, his legs placed on either side on mine. “It’s not them I’m trying to win around.” He winks.

I open my mouth to speak, but the classroom door swings open, and my next class starts piling in. Beast smirks and steps back, walking over to his chair in the corner.

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