Page 58 of Drift Would

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His grin widened.

Because she trusted him not to drop her.

He would never betray that trust. Holding her to him, Drift ran.

Faster than he’d ever run in his long lifespan.

The intel other matched warriors had shared over the transmission lines was true.

A cyborg, after claiming his being or beings, was stronger, faster, more powerful.

His female hooted. Her gorgeous face was illuminated with glee. Her eyes sparkled.

Drift’s joy expanded. And he added another entry to his list of best-ever experiences.

Running with her in his arms was exhilarating.

He raced forward at his new top speed, conveying his female. And they soon reached the point where they were out of range of the storage cave.

Once they hit a level stretch of sand, decorated with no boulders, he stopped with her.

“We’ll fabricate a pit.” He set his female down on a dune.

“I have a digger.” She held up the explosive-laden tool.

“That digger is a bomb.” Drift shook his head. “We’re not utilizing that.”

He moved the sand with his bare hands. The granules were hot and coarse. But his skin was designed to tolerate both.

His female shoved the sand to the side with her booted feet.

They cleared a space deep within the dune.

“The Invaders have many more containers filled with these cylinders.” His female stated that fact not-so-casually. “We don’t know what they’re planning to do with them. But I suspect whatever it is, it won’t benefit the Cancris.”

“I agree with your projections.” There was a 97.2538 percent probability the Humanoid Alliance planned to kill every being on the planet. “This depth should be sufficient.”

There was 0.0000 possibility the explosive would be blown out of the pit.

Drift held out his hand.

His female gave him the digger. “Can we cover it with sand? I want to see how it detonates within an enclosed space.”

“According to the databases, the range of the explosion will decrease by 6.4785 to 9.2566 percent, depending on the materials in that space.” He set the digger in the pit and then buried the tool in the sand. “But we’ll test it ourselves.”

He grasped his female’s left hand, and they walked a safe distance away from the site.

She looked backward. “I can barely see the covered pit.”

If he had his way, they’d be positioned farther away from it. “You’ll be standing behind me during the detonation.” He shifted until he blocked her view.

“No, I won’t be.” She smacked his body armor-clad back. “Move.”

He didn’t modify his stance. “I won’t allow you to be damaged, my female.”

“I’m the lead on this.” She pushed against him. “Listen to me.”

“You can’t lead your team if you’re dead.” The prospect of her dying made him a bit wild. “You’re too important to risk losing.”

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