Page 57 of Drift Would

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She unscrewed the knob at the end of the tool’s handle, and she tilted the digger for him to survey. The hand grip was hollow. There was a small narrow space inside it.

“It’s a hidden container.” He was impressed. “Is it to send messages?”

He processed his female often talked in code with her friends. She was cautious and clever and assumed the Humanoid Alliance was always listening.

“This is for much more than sending messages.” She clucked her tongue and reached inside the open container. Her female pulled out a small black cylinder and showed that to him also.

A slit of clear material on the side of the cylinder revealed the contents.

A chill skittered down Drift’s spine. “That resembles Erinomean Green Fire.” That material had ended the lifespans of several cyborgs and one equally precious genetic match.

“It doesn’t merely resemble it.” His reckless female gazed at the tube. “It is Erinomean Green Fire. Or at least that is what the Invaders called it.”

“That’s highly volatile, my female.” Drift resisted the urge to snatch it from her. “If activated, it could dissolve you, me, and everything in this cave and beyond.”

It could kill them all. Easily. And instantly.

Erinomean Green Fire was one of the few substances in the universe that could liquify a cyborg’s frame. It scared the circuits off him.

And his female was holding it in her fragile human hands.

“I’ve been assured this container stops that activation.” She was undaunted. “And I’m counting on it being able to dissolve everything. Monster-maker ore, once it is in its solid form, is blasted difficult to destroy.”

“And the Humanoid Alliance’s weapon is fabricated from monster-maker ore.” Drift processed her logic. He didn’t like it but he processed it. “You plan to use the Erinomean Green Fire to blow up the weapon.”

“Yeah.” She tapped one end of the cylinder. “It comes equipped with a release mechanism. All we have to do is program a trigger, which I’ve done.” She took out a handheld from her other pocket, pressed it against the cylinder, looked at the device’s small screen, and nodded. “And it’s now good to go…or to blow…in this case.” She grinned at her own joke.

“You’ll hide the cylinders in diggers.” He projected that was her plan.

“They’ll be hidden in a variety of tools the Invaders have forced the Cancris to use while building their weapon.” She slid the cylinder into the handle of the digger. It fit perfectly. “This digger was crafted merely to test the sizing.” She screwed the knob back on. “And to test that the detonation will work.”

Fraggin’ hole. His female planned to activate the tube of Erinomean Green Fire. “All the cylinders have to be detonated individually?”

“Yeah.” Her lips twisted. “That will take a fuckload of time to program, but it’s a safety precaution.”

It was a safety precaution Drift didn’t 100.0000 percent trust. The Humanoid Alliance, according to the stamp on the cylinder, had manufactured the mechanisms, and they had a history of being sloppy.

“We’re testing it far from here and detonating it from a safe distance.” He wouldn’t risk his female’s lifespan.

She narrowed her beautiful eyes at him.

He gazed back at her. There would be no modifying of those parameters.

“Okay.” She sighed. “We’ll take the mounted transport to the sand dunes north of here.”

“The mounted transport isn’t necessary.” Flying it was too risky. One bump, and they could be evaporated. “I’ll carry you there.”

“Ugh.” His female stomped out of the cave. She carried both the digger-enclosed tube of Erinomean Green Fire and her handheld. “Getting there on booted feet will take all planet rotation.”

“It won’t take all planet rotation if we get there on my booted feet.” He grinned as he scooped her into his arms.

She yelped.

He secured her to him with one hand and reached out his other hand, prepared to catch her dangerous cargo if she dropped it.

But his female didn’t clutch his shoulders, seeking to steady herself.

She gripped her tool and her device tighter in her fingers.

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