Page 56 of Drift Would

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“And we’ll go fast.” He grinned.

“We’ll go fast.” Her lips curled upward also.

Both of them used the thrill of flying fast to deal with their emotional damage. They would leave their troubles behind them on the trip to wherever his female was heading.

She climbed onto the machine first.

He sat, as he was growing accustomed to doing, behind her. Having her between his legs and in his arms as they flew over the sand dunes ranked high among his favorite activities in the universe.

Only breeding with his female and chattering with her and holding her ranked higher.

They shot forward and both of them hooted with joy. He couldn’t project where they were going, but as long as he was with his female, he was happy.

The pilot of the mounted transport and also of his heart navigated the boulders and guided them between mountains and across some open stretches of sand. The machine vibrated her against him.

His cock strained against his body armor. His form didn’t process that breeding while moving that fast was dangerous.

He was tempted to try it with her…on a virtual mounted transport.

That was an intriguing prospect for the future.

In the present, he focused on her, on the flight, on the wind rushing over them.

The route wasn’t efficient. Intentionally. His clever female flew them to the west and then the north, back east, and then south, until finally she pointed the mounted transport toward her caves.

Their speed alone would’ve caused them to lose any being trailing them. Few vessels could maintain her modified mounted transport’s pace.

Varying their direction numerous times ensured they weren’t being followed.

They coasted to a stop in front of her partially hidden home.

“I want you. Fiercely. My female.” He murmured that message into her right ear and then bit her earlobe with lip-covered teeth.

She shuddered. And the scent of her need escalated. “I want you also, my cyborg.” She slid off the machine. “But we have tasks to complete. And that’s easier to do when we have light.”

“Tell me what you need me to do, team leader.” He followed her to the mouth of a different cave than the one they’d entered at sunrise.

“Is there anyone situated close to us?” She looked at a device attached to one of the stone walls.

“I detect no lifeforms.” He touched the device. It monitored both energy levels and motion within the space. Energy levels were within human tolerance levels. And no motion had been detected for three planet rotations. “Very clever.”

“I altered it myself.” His female lifted her chin.

“A cyborg couldn’t have done any better.” He was proud that she was his. “And we’re half machine.”

Her head dipped. Pink pigment flooded her cheeks. “The Invaders don’t enter the caves if they aren’t forced to do that. They know how dangerous the monster-maker ore is, and the caves are the most accessible source of it.”

Drift looked around them. There were containers set in the space. “So you sleep and grow nourishment and store supplies in the caves.”

“I do that.” She opened one of the containers. “Most of Cancris are as scared of the caves. They tell stories of beings entering the caves and then turning into monsters. Cyra, my medic friend, thinks those monsters were, in reality, humanoids severely afflicted by tumors. But in the old stories the monsters also devour beings, and the tumors don’t cause that.”

Hunger would cause that. Drift had seen beings eat other beings on battle-ravaged planets. “You don’t believe you’ll turn into a monster.”

“I’m more scared of being found by the Invaders and then tortured than being turned into a monster.” She pressed a button on the device, and a hum vibrated through the air. “This fucks with their listening devices. They shouldn’t be able to hear us now.”

It was fucking with his machine’s auditory system. He had to rely more heavily on his organics to hear her. “It’s effective.”

“Yeah, it is.” She extracted the digger from her pocket. Her friend had crafted that for her. “I designed this also.”

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