Page 24 of Drift Would

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There was a high probability the one at the back was used for unloading supplies. His nose wrinkled. It smelled like fuel and decay.

The exit at the side was rarely used. It was currently blocked by a container. He nudged it with the toe of his boot. It moved easily. He could exit that way if needed.

The main doors were fabricated for customers. He walked through them.

A wave of decadent scent blasted him, and his need returned. He staggered. The intensity of it almost knocked him to his knees.

Every being in the structure turned their heads. They stared at him.

The two humanoid males, one sitting on the other’s lap, lowered their hands to their holstered guns.

The big humanoid male located behind the bar shifted closer to that wall of metal. His hands were out of visual range, but Drift projected he was holding a weapon.

The knuckles of the humanoid female standing beside the bar-situated male whitened around the handle of a huge knife.

A gray-haired, wrinkled humanoid male blinked at him. His toothless mouth fell open.

The humanoid male seated near the wrinkled male slipped one of his hands into a front pocket.

The human female, and Drift projected she was the source of the tantalizing aroma filling the chamber, played with the shaping tool set on the horizontal support in front of her. She sported the same orange-pigmented skin and black hair as the others.

Her form was solid. Her leather garments were laden with more tools. She was covered with orange dust, and she projected strength.

Drift liked that. Very much. His lips curled upward.

He was 100.0000 percent certain she was his female.

The mounted transport hadn’t turned him on. She had provoked his wanting.

The all-encompassing desire he felt for her was a sign he’d found his genetic match. She was the one being in the universe he was destined to care for, protect, spend his long lifespan with.

Before he claimed his female, however, he had to de-escalate the situation.

Some of the humanoids in the structure appeared to be one overly eager trigger finger away from starting a multi-being gunfight.

“I was invited here.” He held up his hands, showing them his empty palms. “I’m meeting with L.”

“That’s bovine shit.” The humanoid male with his hand in his pocket scowled. “L isn’t meeting with…” He gestured at him with his free hand.

“We have a mutual friend.” Drift summoned a smile. “He said you might be able to help us.”

Strike had relayed that comment.

“I’m helping you with what?” The male eyed him with palpable suspicion.

Drift looked pointedly at the other beings.

“I trust them.” The male grunted. “I don’t trust you.”

Drift had no choice but to have the conversation in the open. “You supplied my friend with a ship. We need to process how you obtained it.”

“He’s working with the Invaders.” One of the paired males made that bizarre accusation.

The male he was seated on stood.

The accuser was knocked to the floor.

The standing male drew his gun.

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