Page 23 of Drift Would

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That past would always be a part of him.

He ran a lifeform scan. No beings were detected around the modified freighter.

Drift exited the ship and quickly set perimeter alarms around it. The vessel’s systems could and would be accessed remotely. The perimeter alarms and the locking of the doors would slow any would-be intruders and give him time to stop them.

His contact was a ship thief. The male might not be the only one of his kind on the planet.

Drift ran toward the meeting spot. The moon exuded sufficient light for a human’s visual system. Drift was a cyborg. His senses were enhanced. He saw the rocks, the sand, and the scurrying little scale-covered critters clearly.

The wind whistled around the stone formations. The stars above his head shone.

Cancri B was an ideal planet for breaking in-the-air speed records. The skies were clear. There was very little activity to interfere with any flight paths he set.

But it was also great terrain to break on-foot speed records. There was solid stone under the cushion of sand. There were a few boulders to navigate between but not many more obstacles.

Drift’s appreciation for going fast had been first gained on the surface of a planet. During the Humanoid Alliance’s grueling training program, he’d only had access to his two booted feet. Every opportunity he was given, he’d run full-out.

As he was running now. His circuits surged with joy.

If he didn’t have a meeting to attend, he would run for planet rotations.

But the illumination from the beverage outlet served as a beacon before him. And he reached the structure within mere moments.

He slowed his speed.

According to his lifeform scans, there were six humanoid males, one humanoid female, and one human female inside the beverage outlet. One of those beings would be his contact.

Drift circled the structure. Five land transports of varying sizes and conditions as well as one superbly modified mounted transport were parked nearby.

He attached trackers to the land transports first, placing the tiny devices in spots few beings would detect.

Then he approached the mounted transport.

It was a work of art. He gazed at the single-being vessel with open admiration. The machine sported small-yet-powerful dual enhanced engines and was equipped with custom-grooved handgrips and improved controls. Every stretch of exposed metal had been lightly engraved with perfect little swirls. That intentionally dulled its shine.

His fingers twitched. The urge to fly it was intense.

The mounted transport would cut through the air like a dagger sliced through water. There would be little drag, and it would be difficult to detect under the moonlight.

He could set speed records in the mounted-transport categories with the machine.

Unable to resist touching it, he skimmed his right hand over the immaculately maintained seat. The most delectable scent rose from that soft surface. He breathed deeply. The aroma was an enticing combination of leather, engine lubricant, and hot, fertile female.

Need rushed through Drift’s circuits. His body armor-contained cock hardened. A soul-deep rumble vibrated his chest.

The machine was turning him on.

Fraggin’ hole. His lips twisted. He was glad his brethren weren’t present to see his response. They would tease him mercilessly over his unguarded reaction.

His fellow cyborgs processed he loved ships. They didn’t process how much he apparently loved them.

Drift had to force himself to step back from the mounted transport. When he turned and walked away from the single-being ship, a strange sense of loss pulled at him.

He pushed that emotion to the back of his processors and continued his tour around the beverage outlet. His assignment had to be his focus. He couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by a fine piece of machinery.

The exits from the structure were noted.

There were three sets of doors.

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