Page 15 of Drift Would

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“And we will have to meet with our contacts.” Both of them.

The modified freighter shook slightly as they entered the atmosphere.

Drift steadied the vessel. “We can’t assume, based on a lifeform scan alone, that the Humanoid Alliance doesn’t have a presence here.”

“We have to investigate further.” Cure nodded.

“I’m completing three orbits of the planet.” Drift flew their vessel in the same direction as Cancri B’s rotation.

The planet consisted of rock-covered mountains, long-dried river beds, and flat expanses of sand. There were no spacecrafts flying at their high elevation. Their path was clear.

It would be perfect for setting speed records.

If that was their goal.

Drift flew frustratingly slowly. Because the purpose of the orbits was to gather intel.

There wasn’t much information to glean. There were only eight settlements, if a being pointing them out was generous with that description. None of them contained more than five hundred domiciles.

“There’re no Humanoid Alliance compounds.” Cure watched the footage on the main viewscreen. “Nothing is made of that gray simulated stone they prefer.”

“But that land transport is one of theirs.” Drift froze that image. “And there’s another one.” He captured that image also. “And another.”

One vessel might have been stolen from another planet. It was unlikely three would be taken. The small ships weren’t designed for interplanetary flights.

“Human lifeforms are located close to them.” Cure’s head dipped. “It’s improbable that’s a coincidence. The Humanoid Alliance must have a presence here.” He gazed at the main viewscreen. “But where is their base?”

“They might not have a base.” That wasn’t standard Humanoid Alliance protocol but, with their numerous defeats and the killing of their top commanders, they might have modified their process.

“That would imply they’re engaging in a covert operation.” Cure leaned forward. “Stealth isn’t a Humanoid Alliance strength.”

“Never underestimate the enemy.” Drift had seen space turtles on their voyage. He wasn’t ruling out any possibilities.

Cure said nothing.

Drift slowed their ship.

“We’ve reached your meeting coordinates.” He hovered the vessel above that point.

“There’s nothing located here other than rock and sand.” Cure waved one of his hands at the image on the main viewscreen.

Drift narrowed his gaze at the image. “There’s nothing located on the surface here other than rock and sand.”

“I’m not detecting any lifeforms within human walking range of these coordinates.” Cure had run that scan.

Drift had a theory about why they weren’t detecting lifeforms.

But he required more inputs before he shared it with Cure.

“We’re landing here.” He lowered the modified freighter to the planet’s surface.

Moments passed.

Nothing happened. No beings emerged from the ground. No alarms sounded.

That was…disappointing.

His theory might not be valid. He had to further test it.

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