Page 87 of Strike Zone

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“There is no maybe.” Strike bracketed her cheeks with his big rough hands. “Any parting we would’ve been forced to endure would’ve been temporary. Because I am yours forever. You’re loyal and brave and beautiful, and I processed as soon as I caught a whiff of your scent—” Her cyborg inhaled deeply. “—you were mine. Mine to protect, mine to cherish, mine to love.”

“I’m yours to love?” She stared up at him.

Did he love her back?

“I feel the human love emotion for you, my female.” He confirmed that her greatest hope was, indeed, a reality. “I told myself, when you approached me about the rescue, that I’d investigate the pulsing sound while we were on Powlus Zetus, but the primary reason I accompanied you was because you were mine. I had to be with you. You could’ve asked me to fly across the universe with you and I would have gone with you with no hesitation.”

He had felt the same connection as she did.

Heat spread across her chest. “I know this likely sounds foolish, but when I looked at you, I felt like you were already looking at me. Which is impossible. You were too far away from me. You couldn’t have detected my scent at that distance.”

“I would’ve detected your scent from a greater distance than that.” He rested his forehead against hers. “And I had assistance in locating you. A being in the crowd told me my female needed my protection.”

“They told you that?” Kesser frowned. “That’s strange.” She couldn’t imagine how anyone, other than the beings involved in the abduction, would know she required help. “What did this being look like?”

“She had the palest-blue eyes I’ve ever encountered, and her voice circumvented my auditory system and went straight to my core.” Her cyborg clasped her hands against his chest.

“I’ve never met anyone with pale-blue eyes. And I don’t know any beings whose voices have that ability.” Kesser nibbled on her bottom lip.

She had heard stories about beings matching that description. The Fates were said to have pale-blue eyes and an otherworldly way of talking.

But the Fates weren’t real.

And she doubted, if they were real, they’d concern themselves with her situation. She was a support being, not a high-profile planetary leader or another influential someone.

“I’m grateful to that being.” Strike lifted her hands to his lips. “She gave us more moments together, and every moment with you is precious.” He kissed Kesser’s fingertips one by one. His nanocybotics fizzed on her skin. “But I would’ve located you, my female. We were manufactured for each other.”

“We’re destined to be together.” She pushed the puzzle of the mysterious being to the back of her mind, and she focused on her male, on the love shining from his eyes. “I love you, my male.”

“I love you, my female.” He skimmed his lips over hers.

She chased his kiss.

He allowed her to catch it.

And their embrace deepened. Their tongues entwined.

She gripped his shoulders.

Her male tightened his hold on her, clasping her as though he never wanted to let her go.

Because he didn’t want to release her.

Her lips curled upward. She never disappeared into the background with her cyborg. Her efforts and her needs and her preferences weren’t invisible.

Strike saw her. He truly saw her.

She would gaze at him. He would be gazing back at her.

She’d reach for him. He’d already have his arms wrapped around her.

The two of them were in sync. They were connected.

Moments passed.

She savored his warmth, his presence.

They didn’t move.

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